The definition of an application is discussed in this section and the process of loading and updating applications is discussed in more detail in the RED Installation Guide. Only the concepts of the use of applications are covered here.
An application is defined for our purposes as a group of objects. An application is a method of loading objects into a metadata repository. It can be used to upgrade or provide patches to an existing metadata repository. As such, an application can be used to distribute and remotely maintain a specific data warehousing solution.

An application consists of a series of Windows files, which can be distributed to remote sites.

A list of the applications that have been applied to the metadata repository can be displayed via the Tools > List Loaded Deployment Applications menu option.
An application is created through the Tools > Build Deployment Application menu option. The created application can then update a metadata repository through the WhereScape RED Setup Administrator utility. In this manner, the application model can be used to update a metadata repository in an ordered and controlled fashion. Loading an application inserts various objects into the chosen metadata repository. An application is best defined as a set of objects that are shipped to enable the inclusion of those objects in a remote repository.

An application can only be loaded into a metadata repository running on the same database type as that of the application creator.
WhereScape RED also enables you to create deployment applications via the Projects/Groups and Object Groups context menu, as well as from a Diagram generated in RED.


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