To stop a Linux/UNIX Scheduler from within RED, follow the steps below:

  1. Edit the crontab and comment out the entry. This will stop the scheduler restarting within the next 20 minutes.


    There may be several different versions of the scheduler files for a given database and platform (UNIX or Linux). For example, there may be different folders in ...\WhereScape\Oracle\Linux\: Version_010, Version_411 and Version_560. The highest version number script less than or equal to the version of RED in use should always be used.

  2. Start RED and click the Scheduler tab.
  3. Click the Scheduler menu from the toolbar and then select Scheduler Status.
  4. Right-click the displayed UNIX/Linux scheduler entry and choose Shutdown Scheduler.

    Sometime within the next poll interval of the scheduler, the scheduler will gracefully stop.
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