This topic includes the list of the OIDs used to collect configuration data and performance metrics related to network device elements in Uptime Infrastructure Monitor.
Configuration OIDs
These configuration information OIDs are collected when the network device is added to UIM and updated regularly by the configuration update gatherer which scans every 24 hours.
Performance metric OIDs
Performance metrics are only collected for network devices that are switches or routers added in UIM. Metrics are gathered for ports that have Port Admin Status as up and a valid speed value available.
Troubleshooting with snmpwalk
Although most SNMP-enabled network devices provide the OID's listed above, not all do. If there are issues adding a network device to UIM, it is helpful to use snmpwalk to review the OIDs available on the device. For more information about this feature, see Troubleshooting network device issues with snmpwalk.