Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 25 users.

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager permissions allow a user to access specific SQL Compliance Manager features. When you assign a permission, SQL Compliance Manager applies specific SQL Server privileges to the login.

SQL Compliance Manager provides the following levels of permission:

Can configure SQL Compliance Manager settings and view audit data

Allows the selected login to perform any administrative task in the Management Console. Administrative tasks include:

    • Configuring audit settings and event filters
    • Managing alerts
    • Managing logins
    • Monitoring SQL Compliance Manager activities
    • Archiving and grooming audit data
    • Enabling auditing on SQL Servers and databases

Logins with this permission can also view and report on audit data.

When you assign this permission, SQL Compliance Manager grants the System Administrators role to the selected login. This role is granted on the SQL Server instance that hosts the Repository databases, applying this role along side any default permission settings.

Can view and report on audit data

Allows the selected login to view and report on audited data using the Management Console. When you assign this permission, SQL Compliance Manager grants read privileges to the selected login. These privileges are granted on the SQL Server instance that hosts the Repository databases, applying these privileges along side any default permission settings.

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