This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Tables options.

A prefix and/or a suffix string can be applied to an object name. Within Oracle and IBM DB2, a table name may be a maximum of 30 characters long, so these pre and post fix strings should not be more than eight characters long (WhereScape RED short names are a maximum of 22 long in Oracle and SQL Server and 12 long in DB2).
From the example screen above, if a source table called customer (with a short name of 'customer') was dragged into a Load table drop target then the default name would be load_customer.
The object name defaults shown above are the values that are installed with the base metadata.
They can be changed at any stage; however, the change does not affect any existing objects.  Therefore, if a new naming regime is chosen, any existing objects need to be renamed through the Properties screen of the object.

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