The Maintain Host Script Languages screen displays a list of host script language types configured in RED and enables you to add a New host script language type. Clicking a host script language type from the list enables you to Copy, Edit or Delete the selected language type.
The following describes the elements of the Maintain Host Script Languages screen.

Host Script Languages

This pane lists the built-in and user-defined host script language types that have been setup in RED. It details the name, description, and category of each host script language available in RED.

Function Buttons

These buttons enable you to create and manage the user-defined host script language type definitions.




Launches the Edit Host Script Language screen which enables you to create and specify the properties of the new host script language type. Refer to Adding a Host Script Language Type for details.


Duplicates the selected host script language type. All fields are populated with the values of the original host script language type which can be edited as required.


Launches the Edit Host Script Language screen which enables you to edit the selected host script language type.


Deletes the selected host script language type, if it is not currently in use. The user is notified if it is in use and cannot be deleted.

  • Built-in host script languages in RED can only be viewed, they cannot be edited or deleted. Only user defined host script language types can be edited or deleted.
  • Host script languages that are currently in use cannot be deleted, RED displays a message if you attempt to delete a language type that is in use.

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