A Native ODBC based load is similar to an ODBC load, except it provides a faster method to load data from non-linked databases.
A Native ODBC based interactive load when using the WhereScape RED tool will use the established ODBC connection to pull the data back to a delimited file on the local PC and then push the data to the data warehouse database via a Bulk Insert in SQL Server, SQL*LOADER in Oracle or LOAD statement in DB2 and Fastload session in Teradata.
A scheduler load will perform in the same way, except that the data is loaded into the server that is running the scheduler and then pushed to the data warehouse database.
All loaders require dates in the default format of the target data warehouse database. In Teradata, all dates and times must be a character string of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' for Fastload loading to work. Both of these are normally achieved via a During load transformation, using the correct casting function for the source database.
The Properties and Storage screens for a Native ODBC based load are the same as those of a database link load. Refer to the previous sections for details. Details of the source mapping screen follow.


  • The Native ODBC load in an ODBC connection is not enabled by default for newly created Teradata repositories. Refer to Tools > Options >Available Load Types
  • If you are doing Native Loads using UNIX and LINUX, see section Native Loads using UNIX and LINUX for more details about this type of load.

 Native Loads in Oracle

Some versions of Oracle do not return the ORACLE_SID correctly when an ODBC call requests it. To ensure that you don't have any issues because of this, please ensure that the following steps are complied:

  • If you are doing interactive Native Loads in RED into Oracle:

Ensure that the Database ID (SID) field in the Data Warehouse connection Properties screen is set to the actual ORACLE_SID for your database.
This value is used in the sqlldr connection during the native load IF the ORACLE_SID is not returned correctly by the ODBC driver.

  • If you are using the Windows scheduler for Native Loads into Oracle:
  1. Change the scheduler to be a direct path load (via maintain scheduler in the WhereScape Administrator).
  2. Ensure that the TNS Service is set to the actual ORACLE_SID for your database.
  3. Restart the scheduler.

This value is used in the ORACLE sqlldr connection IF the SID is not returned by the ODBC driver and only IF the scheduler is set to do direct path loads.

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