Diagram Display

Once displayed, there are two modes for diagram display; standard and detailed. To switch between displays, select File > Detail Diagram / Standard Diagram.

or use the toggle button:

Diagram Save

A diagram can be saved either as a meta file or as a jpeg image. If saved as a meta file, it can be subsequently reloaded and re-edited.


A jpeg cannot be reloaded into WhereScape RED.

The diagram can be saved by selecting File > Save As ...


By default, the diagram is saved as a meta file.

Diagram Load

If a diagram has been saved as a meta file, it can be reloaded. To reload a saved meta file, switch to diagrammatic view and then select the menu option File > Load Diagram. A window is displayed which enables you to choose a Windows meta file (*.wmf). If the meta file had previously been saved from WhereScape RED then the diagram is loaded.

Diagram Print

A diagram can be printed by selecting File > Print ...

Diagram Refresh

Once a diagram has been displayed, it can be refreshed by choosing Tools > Refresh Diagram or by pressing F5.

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