The Scheduler Window is used as the main interface to the scheduler. Jobs can be scheduled, monitored, edited, and deleted through this window.




All Jobs - Click to view all jobs.

Scheduled - Click to view scheduled jobs.

Run/ Fail - Click to view jobs that run/fail.

Running Jobs - Click to view the current running jobs.

Today - Click to view jobs scheduled for today.

Prior 24 Hours- Click to view all the jobs before the 24 hours.

This Week Job - Click to view this week jobs.

Last Weeks Job - Click to view last week jobs.

My Jobs - Click to view jobs you created.

Job Name Filter - Optional Job name criteria to be applied via the core job selection criteria to further filter jobs.

  • Double-click the job in the top pane to see the tasks of the selected job in the bottom pane.
  • Double-click the task in the bottom pane to see the audit trail displayed in a separate tab in the bottom pane.

Refer to Scheduler for more details.

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