Creating a New ER Model Manually

Below is a step-by-step demonstration of an ER Model being created with tables, relationships, constraints, and indexes. The model is then used to generate the DDL for importing into a database.

Create an ER Model and Add a Table

1. Select New Model2. Select Vendor3. Create New Table4. Double click  Table5. Set Table Properties6. Table Added7. Add More Tables

Create Relationships

    8. New Table Added9. Right-click on Table10. Select New Relationship11. Set Relationship Properties12. Relationship added13. Right-click Constraints14. Enter Constraints Properties

Create Primary Key Constraints, Indexes and Generate a Script from the Model

15. New Primary Key added16. Right-click Indexes17. Enter Index Properties18. Index is created19. More
Constraints, Indexes &
20. Select Generate Script21. Select Schemas

View the Script Generation Status, View the script and further modify the diagram

22. Specify Script Name23. Script Generation Status24. Generated SQL Script25. Diagram Region added

Generating an  ER Model through the Schema Browser

If a database were to be imported, the beginning steps (steps 1 - step 10) above would be skipped as all of the table properties, datatypes, and columns would be generated during the database import.  If a database were to be right-clicked in the schema browser, there would be no need to manually select the database and version in step 2 above.

Below, a model is generated in 3 steps using the "ER Diagram Generator" beginning with a database that already exists in the schema browser.

A Model Generated from the Schema Browser "ER Diagram Generator"

1. Right-Click Choose "ER Diagram
2. Select Schema Objects3. View Status4. Diagram Generated

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