'DESCRIPTION:  This macro provides a list of tables from the active
      '	physical model.  The tables in the right box will be updated
      '	with the specified storage parameters.  Tables can be added
      '	and removed from the updated list.
      'AUTHOR:  Jason Tiret
      'CONTACT:  http://support.embarcadero.com/
      'DATE:  10/17/2001
      'LAST UPDATE:  7/3/2003
      'Global Array variables to handle available and selected tables.
      Dim AvailableTables() As String
      Dim SelectedTables() As String
      Dim AvailTablesIndx As Integer
      Dim SelTablesIndx As Integer
      Dim Databases() As String
      Dim Tablespaces() As String
      'Global ERStudio Variables
      Dim mdl As Model
      Dim diag As Diagram
      Dim ents As Entities
      Dim ent As Entity
      Dim entcount As Integer
      'This function is used to initialize the passed-in array with all
      'the tables in the physical model.  It will fill the target array
      'when the AddAll and RemoveAll buttons in the dialog are pressed.
      Function SetupTableArray(Tables As Variant)
      	Debug.Print "SetupTableArray"
      	Dim i As Integer
      	entcount = ents.Count - 1
      	i = 0
      	If entcount < 0 Then
      		ReDim Tables(0)
      		're-initialize the array
      		ReDim Tables(0 To entcount) As String
      		'Refresh Array with table names
      		For Each ent In mdl.Entities
      			Tables(i) = ent.TableName
      			i = i + 1
      	End If
      End Function
      'This function clears the passed-in array of all the names.  It clears the
      'source array when the AddAll and RemoveAll buttons are pressed.
      Function ClearTableArray(Tables As Variant)
      	Debug.Print "ClearTableArray"
      	entcount = ents.Count - 1
      	If entcount < 0 Then
      		ReDim Tables(0)
      		'Clear the Array
      		ReDim Tables(0 To entcount) As String
      		For Each ent In mdl.Entities
      			Tables(i) = ""
      	End If
      End Function
      'This function is used to move single tables between the listboxes.  It
      'will add tables to the front of the target array and pad the back of the
      'source array with blank entries
      Function MoveTable (source As Variant, target As Variant, source_indx As Integer)
      	Dim s_count As Integer  'upper bound of the source array
      	Dim t_count As Integer  'upper bound of the target array
      	Dim i As Integer
      	s_count = UBound(source)
      	t_count = UBound(target) - 1
      	Debug.Print "t_count = " & t_count
      	'move all the entries back one slot in the target array to make
      	'room for the new entry
      	For i = t_count To 0 Step -1
      		target(i+1) = target(i)
      		Debug.Print "target(" & i & ") = " & target(i)
      	Next i
      	'add the new entry
      	target(0) = source(source_indx)
      	Debug.Print source(source_indx) & ", index = " & source_indx
      	'move all the entries after the vacant slot up one slot to fill the hole
      	For i = source_indx + 1 To s_count
      		source(i-1) = source(i)
      	Next i
      	'pad the last entry with a null string
      	source(s_count) = ""
      End Function
      Function setupTablespaces()
      	Dim i, count As Integer
      	Dim tblspc As DB2Tablespace
      	i = 0
      	count = mdl.DB2Tablespaces.Count - 1
      	If count < 0 Then
      		ReDim Tablespaces(0)
      		ReDim Tablespaces(0 To count)
      		For Each tblspc In mdl.DB2Tablespaces
      			Tablespaces(i) = tblspc.Name
      			i = i + 1
      	End If
      End Function
      Function setupDatabases()
      	Dim i, count As Integer
      	Dim db As DB2Database
      	i = 0
      	count = mdl.DB2Databases.Count - 1
      	If count < 0 Then
      		ReDim database(0)
      		ReDim Databases(0 To count)
      		For Each db In mdl.DB2Databases
      			Databases(i) = db.Name
      			i = i + 1
      	End If
      End Function
      Sub Main
      	'set ERStudio variables
      	Set diag = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	Set mdl = diag.ActiveModel
      	Set ents = mdl.Entities
      	Dim count As Integer
      	If mdl.MajorPlatform  <> "IBM DB2" Then
      	MsgBox("Physical Model platform must be DB2 OS/390",,"Error!")
      	'initialize global arrays and indexes
      	AvailTablesIndx = 0
      	SelTablesIndx = 0
      	'Create the dialog
      	Begin Dialog UserDialog 730,553,"DB2 Storage Parameters",.DialogFunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
      		GroupBox 410,287,300,203,"Selected Tables",.GroupBox2
      		ListBox 420,301,280,189,SelectedTables(),.STables
      		GroupBox 20,14,320,98,"Location",.GroupBox3
      		Text 40,63,80,14,"Tablespace:",.Text1
      		PushButton 330,315,60,21,">>",.AddAll
      		GroupBox 20,287,290,203,"Available Tables",.GroupBox1
      		ListBox 30,301,270,189,AvailableTables(),.ATables
      		PushButton 330,350,60,21,">",.AddSelected
      		PushButton 330,420,60,21,"<",.RemoveSelected
      		PushButton 330,455,60,21,"<<",.RemoveAll
      		OKButton 360,504,130,28
      		CancelButton 520,504,130,28
      		Text 40,35,80,14,"Database:",.Text2
      		DropListBox 140,28,180,112,Databases(),.Database,1
      		DropListBox 140,56,180,175,Tablespaces(),.TableSpace,1
      		CheckBox 60,126,90,14,"Encoding",.EncodingChbx
      		CheckBox 200,126,130,14,"Restrict On Drop",.restrictChbx
      		OptionGroup .EncodingOpt
      			OptionButton 100,147,90,14,"ASCII",.OptionButton1
      			OptionButton 100,168,90,14,"EBCDIC",.OptionButton2
      		GroupBox 30,189,310,49,"Logging",.GroupBox4
      		CheckBox 60,210,170,14,"Log Data Changes",.LogDataChbx
      		GroupBox 370,14,330,98,"Table Procedures",.GroupBox5
      		Text 400,42,90,14,"Edit Proc:",.Text3
      		Text 400,70,90,14,"Valid Proc:",.Text4
      		TextBox 490,42,170,21,.Editproc
      		TextBox 490,70,170,21,.ValidProc
      		GroupBox 370,133,330,105,"Audit Option",.GroupBox6
      		OptionGroup .AuditOpt
      			OptionButton 450,154,90,14,"None",.OptionButton3
      			OptionButton 450,182,90,14,"Changes",.OptionButton4
      			OptionButton 450,210,90,14,"All",.OptionButton5
      		PushButton 40,252,120,21,"Sort List",.SortAvail
      		PushButton 430,252,110,21,"Sort List",.SortSel
      	End Dialog
      	Dim dlg As UserDialog
      	'initialize dialog, -1 is the OK button, 0 is the CANCEL
      	If Dialog(dlg,-2) = -1 Then
      		'reinitialize entity count
      		entcount = ents.Count - 1
      		'Iterate through all the tables from the SelectedTables array
      		For count = 0 To entcount
      			'don't want the null values in the SelectedTables array
      			If SelectedTables(count) <> "" Then
      				Set ent = ents.Item(SelectedTables(count))
      				'Update the tablespace and database location with the give tablespace name
      				If dlg.Database <> "" Then
      					ent.DatabaseLocation = dlg.Database
      				End If
      				If dlg.TableSpace <> "" Then
      					ent.StorageLocation = dlg.TableSpace
      				End If
      				'Update the Edit proc
      				If dlg.editproc <> "" Then
      					ent.DB2EditProc = dlg.editproc
      				End If
      				'Update the Valid proc
      				If dlg.validproc <> "" Then
      					ent.DB2ValidProc = dlg.validproc
      				End If
      				'Update the restrict option
      				If dlg.restrictchbx = 1 Then
      					ent.DB2RestrictOnDrop = True
      					ent.DB2RestrictOnDrop = False
      				End If
      				'Update encoding option
      				If dlg.encodingchbx = 1 Then
      					'determine which type of encoding
      					If dlg.encodingopt = 0 Then
      						ent.DB2Encoding = "ASCII"
      						ent.DB2Encoding = "EBCDIC"
      					End If
      					ent.DB2Encoding = "NONE"
      				End If
      				'Update audit option
      				If dlg.auditopt = 0 Then
      					ent.DB2Auditing = "NONE"
      				ElseIf dlg.auditopt = 1 Then
      					ent.DB2Auditing = "CHANGES"
      					ent.DB2Auditing = "ALL"
      				End If
      				'Update logging option
      				If dlg.logdatachbx = 1 Then
      					ent.DB2DataCaptureChg = True
      					ent.DB2DataCaptureChg = False
      				End If
      			End If
      	End If
      	End If
      End Sub

      Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information.
      Private Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
      	Select Case Action%
      	Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
      	Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
      		If DlgItem = "ATables" Then
      			'update the AvailTablesIndx with current index when a
      			'table is selected in the available tables listbox
      			AvailTablesIndx = SuppValue
      			Debug.Print AvailTablesIndx
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "STables" Then
      			'update the SelTablesIndx with the current index when a
      			'table is selected in the selected tables listbox
      			SelTablesIndx = SuppValue
      			Debug.Print SelTablesIndx
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "AddAll" Then
      			Debug.Print "addall"
      			'add all the tables to the SelectedTables array, remove all
      			'from the AvailableTables array
      			'refresh dialog listboxes
      			DlgListBoxArray "STables", SelectedTables()
      			DlgListBoxArray "ATables", AvailableTables()
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "RemoveAll" Then
      			Debug.Print "removeall"
      			'add all the tables to the AvailableTables array, remove all
      			'from the SelectedTables array
      			'refresh dialog listboxes
      			DlgListBoxArray "ATables", AvailableTables()
      			DlgListBoxArray "STables", SelectedTables()
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "RemoveSelected" Then
      			'don't move the table if the value is null
      			If SelectedTables(SelTablesIndx) <> "" Then
      				'move the selected table from SelectedTables array to the
      				'AvailableTables array
      				MoveTable(SelectedTables, AvailableTables, SelTablesIndx)
      				'refresh dialog listboxes
      				DlgListBoxArray "ATables", AvailableTables()
      				DlgListBoxArray "STables", SelectedTables()
      				're-initalize array indexes
      				SelTablesIndx = 0
      				AvailTablesIndx = 0
      			End If
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "AddSelected" Then
      			'Don't move table if there isn't any value in the list box
      			If AvailableTables(AvailTablesIndx) <> "" Then
      				'move the selected table from the AvailableTables array to
      				'the SelectedTables array
      				MoveTable(AvailableTables, SelectedTables, AvailTablesIndx)
      				'refresh dialog listboxes
      				DlgListBoxArray "ATables", AvailableTables()
      				DlgListBoxArray "STables", SelectedTables()
      				're-initalize array indexes
      				SelTablesIndx = 0
      				AvailTablesIndx = 0
      			End If
      			'don't exit dialog
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "SortAvail" Then
      			dhQuickSort AvailableTables()
      			DlgListBoxArray "ATables", AvailableTables()
      			DialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "SortSel" Then
      			dhQuickSort SelectedTables()
      			DlgListBoxArray "STables", SelectedTables()
      			DialogFunc = True
      		End If
      		Rem DialogFunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box
      	Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
      	Case 4 ' Focus changed
      	Case 5 ' Idle
      		Rem DialogFunc = True ' Continue getting idle actions
      	Case 6 ' Function key
      	End Select
      End Function
      Function adjustArray(varArray As Variant)
      	Dim i, intItems As Integer
      	intItems = UBound(varArray)
          While varArray(0) = ""
      		For i = 1 To intItems
      			varArray(i - 1) = varArray(i)
      		varArray(intItems) = ""
      End Function
      ' From "VBA Developer's Handbook"
      ' by Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert
      ' Copyright 1997; Sybex, Inc. All rights reserved.
      ' Quicksort for simple data types.
      ' Indicate that a parameter is missing.
      Const dhcMissing = -2
      Sub dhQuickSort(varArray As Variant, _
       Optional intLeft As Integer As Integer ' From "VBA Developer's Handbook"
          ' by Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert
          ' Copyright 1997; Sybex, Inc. All rights reserved.
          ' Entry point for sorting the array.
          ' This technique uses the recursive Quicksort
          ' algorithm to perform its sort.
          ' In:
          '   varArray:
          '       A variant pointing to an array to be sorted.
          '       This had better actually be an array, or the
          '       code will fail, miserably. You could add
          '       a test for this:
          '       If Not IsArray(varArray) Then Exit Sub
          '       but hey, that would slow this down, and it's
          '       only YOU calling this procedure.
          '       Make sure it's an array. It's your problem.
          '   intLeft:
          '   intRight:
          '       Lower and upper bounds of the array to be sorted.
          '       If you don't supply these values (and normally, you won't)
          '       the code uses the LBound and UBound functions
          '       to get the information. In recursive calls
          '       to the sort, the caller will pass this information in.
          '       To allow for passing integers around (instead of
          '       larger, slower variants), the code uses -2 to indicate
          '       that you've not passed a value. This means that you won't
          '       be able to use this mechanism to sort arrays with negative
          '       indexes, unless you modify this code.
          ' Out:
          '       The data in varArray will be sorted.
          Dim i As Integer
          Dim j As Integer
          Dim varTestVal As Variant
          Dim intMid As Integer
          If intLeft = dhcMissing Then intLeft = LBound(varArray)
          If intRight = dhcMissing Then intRight = UBound(varArray)
          If intLeft < intRight Then
              intMid = (intLeft + intRight) \ 2
              varTestVal = UCase(varArray(intMid))
              i = intLeft
              j = intRight
                  Do While UCase(varArray(i)) < varTestVal
                      i = i + 1
                  Do While UCase(varArray(j)) > varTestVal
                      j = j - 1
                  If i <= j Then
                      SwapElements varArray, i, j
                      i = i + 1
                      j = j - 1
                  End If
              Loop Until i > j
              ' To optimize the sort, always sort the
              ' smallest segment first.
              If j <= intMid Then
                  Call dhQuickSort(varArray, intLeft, j)
                  Call dhQuickSort(varArray, i, intRight)
                  Call dhQuickSort(varArray, i, intRight)
                  Call dhQuickSort(varArray, intLeft, j)
              End If
          End If
      End Sub

      Private Sub SwapElements(varItems As Variant, intItem1 As Integer, intItem2 As Integer)
          Dim varTemp As Variant
          varTemp = varItems(intItem2)
          varItems(intItem2) = varItems(intItem1)
          varItems(intItem1) = varTemp
      End Sub

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