WhereScape RED provides an environment to facilitate the rapid production of prototype data warehouse analysis areas. It also provides the functionality to move that prototype into a production environment and support the day-to-day running of a data warehouse. The Installation and Administration Guide provides the information needed to:

  • Install the WhereScape RED software.
  • Validate the various software components required by WhereScape RED.
  • Install the WhereScape RED metadata.
  • Install a Scheduler.
  • Optionally install third-party data warehouse applications.


The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

WhereScape Forum

A web forum is available at www.wherescape.com. This forum contains information on the latest version, and bug reports that may be relevant for installation. In addition, the WhereScape Blog is available on the same page which may provide additional information.

How to use this Manual

WhereScape RED is designed to build data warehouse analysis areas within a database environment. The installation and configuration process are very rarely a simple task as it involves several layered products external to WhereScape RED. For the more complex cases, several hours or days should be set aside to complete this task.

Therefore, it is important that the reader begins the installation process with the correct expectations. Highlighted
below are the major steps in the installation and setup of WhereScape RED. In many environments some of these steps will have been completed independently of the installation process or may need to be completed by a third party.


This document does not cover the creation and configuration of the database required to run the data warehouse. It does not cover the procedures required to create and maintain database users; nor does it cover the installation of the database client software. Refer to the database vendor manuals for assistance.

The Installation and Configuration chapters provide a logical outline for the installation and setup of WhereScape RED for the following databases:

The rest of the manual deals with the following topics:

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