When a host script is scheduled, it is run in the scheduler environment. Therefore, a UNIX scheduler must be available to run a UNIX script and only a Windows scheduler can run a Windows script.
It is possible to test a script interactively. For a Windows script, this is achieved by running the script on the current PC. For a UNIX script, WhereScape RED will attempt to start a telnet window to the UNIX host (as defined in the Connection set for the script) and run the script within this telnet window.

A script is invoked via the Execute > Execute the Script menu option.  You can also right click the script from the Host Script objects list on the left pane and select Execute Script from the context menu.
The output from the script is shown in a pop-up dialog box. 

UNIX Scripts

UNIX scripts have the additional execution option being the menu option Execute > Execute and Retain. This option creates a Telnet window to the UNIX host, execute the script, display the results and leave the Telnet window up. Additional commands or a review of what occurred can then be undertaken directly in the Telnet window. When completed the Telnet window should be closed to return to the script editor. 


A connection must be correctly set-up to support UNIX script testing. Refer to the section on UNIX connections in the RED Installation Guide for details.

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