To recover lost or damaged audit data, restore the Repository databases. For best results, use the following guidelines:

  • Perform a full restore, including the transaction logs
  • Schedule the restore during off-hours, or times when you expect the least audit activity
  • Restore all Repository databases during the same restore procedure to ensure audit data integrity remains intact

To restore the Repository databases:

  1. Use the SQL Server client tools to close any open connections to the SQLcompliance database.
  2. Use the SQL Server client tools to take the SQLcompliance database offline. If you cannot take the SQLcompliance database offline, stop the Collection Service.
  3. Use a tool such as IDERA SQL Safe to restore the SQLcompliance database using the appropriate backup file, including transaction logs.
  4. Use a tool such as IDERA SQL Safe to restore each event and archive database using the appropriate backup file, including the transaction logs. Each registered SQL Server instance has a corresponding event database. The number of archive databases depends on your archive preferences and your archive frequency.
  5. Use SQL Server client tools to bring the SQLcompliance database online.

SQL Compliance Manager monitor, audit and alert on SQL user activity and data changes.
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