Because Precise 9.7.0 uses JRE 8, as part of the upgrade the existing JRE folder is renamed to JRE_6 and a new JRE folder is extracted. When performing the upgrade using CLI on Windows, the rename is blocked because of CLI using the JRE folder. So, the following alternate procedure needs to be used to perform the upgrade.

  1. Login as the user who owns the Precise installation and open a command prompt to:
  2. Copy present at <installation-cd-path>\Upgrade to v9.7.0\ to: <precise_root_folder> and run:
    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user <user_name> {-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password> | -i3-clear-password <clear_password>} -action i3-update-load -zip-file <update zip file path>
    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user admin -i3-clear-password admin -action i3-update-load -zip-file
    Refer to Precise CLI Utility Reference Guide for more details.
  3. Run UpgradeVerifier for 970 upgrade if not done already.
  4. Stop all Precise services using command from the Precise root folder:
    infra\bin\psin_infra -multi-service stop
  5. Rename JRE folder under <precise_root_folder>\java\JRE to:
  6. Copy jre_<bitness>  from <installation-cd-path> to <precise_root_folder> and run:
    infra\bin\psin_file_new.exe -manual -extract jre_<bitness>  -event patch -exact-path
    infra\bin\psin_file_new.exe -manual -extract  -event patch -exact-path
  7. Copy pspw_dll_<bitness> from <installation-cd-path> to FW installation folder <precise_root_folder> and run:
    infra\bin\psin_file_new.exe -manual -extract pspw_dll_<bitness>  -event patch -exact-path
    infra\bin\psin_file_new.exe -manual -extract  -event patch -exact-path
  8. Start precise FP by using command:
    .\products\i3fp\bin\ps_control.bat -o start -t FP
  9. Run upgrade-prepare command:
    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user <user_name> {-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password> | -i3-clear-password <clear_password>} -action {i3-update-prepare | i3-update-install} [-proxy-alias <node_alias>] {-servers "<servers>" | -all-servers true} [-installation-cd-path <Precise_v9.7.x_download_path>] -updates-ids "<updates_ids>"
    .\infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user admin -i3-clear-password admin -action i3-update-prepare  -all-servers true -installation-cd-path \\netapp-6\build\2016-11-25_01.17.03 -updates-ids "V970_UPGRADE"
    Refer to Precise CLI Utility Reference Guide for more details.
  10. Run upgrade-install command:
    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user <user_name> {-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password> | -i3-clear-password <clear_password>} -action {i3-update-prepare | i3-update-install} [-proxy-alias <node_alias>] {-servers "<servers>" | -all-servers true} [-installation-cd-path <Precise_v9.7.x_download_path>] -updates-ids "<updates_ids>"
    .\infra\bin\psin_cli.bat -i3-user admin -i3-clear-password admin -action i3-update-install  -all-servers true -installation-cd-path \\netapp-6\build\2016-11-25_01.17.03 -updates-ids "V970_UPGRADE"
    Refer to Precise CLI Utility Reference Guide for more details.
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