Add SQL BI Service Instances for monitoring

Use the ADD BI SERVICE option to add SQL BI Service Instances for monitoring. For additional information, refer to Adding Business Intelligence Services for monitoring.

Manage Monitored Services

Use the MANAGE MONITORED SERVICES option to have a general overview of all monitored BI instances. This view displays information such as the Component Type, its Status, the Service and Host Name, the Authentication User Name, the Alert Refresh Time, and the Monitoring status (true or false). You can also Export this information to a PDF, XLS, or XML file.


You can also perform actions to either single or several BI instances.

Perform actions on a single BI instance

After you select a SQL Server from the list, you can perform the following actions:

Edit PropertiesAllows you to modify the previously established credentials.
ExportAllows you to export the information available to a PDF, XLS, or XML file. How much time a query uses the CPU.
RemoveAllows you to remove instances that you no longer want to monitor.

Additionally, by clicking the gear icon you can also Change Refresh Interval, as well as to Disable Monitoring temporarily (during maintenance operations) and Edit Properties.


Perform bulk actions on several BI instances

After you select more than one SQL Server from the list, you can perform the following bulk actions:

Edit CredentialsAllows you to modify the previously established credentials.
ExportAllows you to export the information available to a PDF, XLS, or XML file.
RemoveAllows you to remove instances that you no longer want to monitor.

Additionally, you can click the gear icon to access the option to temporarily Disable Monitoring (during maintenance operations), as well as to Edit Credentials.


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