The IDERA Dashboard allows you to view the status of your IDERA products. 

If you have added SQL Safe to your IDERA Dashboard (for more information see the Installing SQL Safe on your IDERA Dashboard), then you can view the following widgets in the Details and Overview tabs:

  • Longest Running Backup Jobs - displays the top longest running backups by database in your environment in minutes.
  • Top Databases Backups by size  - displays the top largest databases in your environment in MB and to which instances they belong to. 
  • Top Databases by Alerts - displays the number of alerts per database in your environment and their respective instances. 
  • Safe Status Details - displays a summary of your SQL Safe policies and operations in your environment. 
  • Safe Disk Space Savings - displays the total of savings achieved by using SQL Safe and the respective ROI (Return on Investment). You can set this value in the Basic Configurations of the General Preferences window of your SQL Safe Administration tab.  

Customize your Details and Overview tabs by dragging and dropping widgets, expanding , collapsing , closing or limiting the amount of information displayed .

To view more information how to customize your IDERA Dashboard Views, click here. 


SQL Safe is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more > >
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