Active Queries View

The Active Queries view provides relevant information about active queries on your environment. You can find the following information:

Configuring the Active Queries view

To change the query activity data collection settings, click Configuration on the Active Queries screen. On the configuration screen you can change the following settings:

Real time  Query monitoring

Use the Enable  option to turn on or turn off this feature.

Enabled:   SQL BI Manager collects query data constantly. While query monitoring has minimal overhead, SSAS performance could be affected. 

Disabled:  The instances refresh interval determines how often query data is collected.(set under Manage Monitored Services )

Poorly performing queries

To use these settings you must enable real time query monitoring.

When you enable this option SQL BI Manager collects information only when queries cross one or more of these thresholds: 

Duration in millisecondsTime in milliseconds after which a query is considered poorly performing.
CPU time in millisecondsHow much CPU time a query uses.
Rows Scanned in #rows

The number of rows a query reads.

Retention period

This setting determines for how long  SQL BI Manager retains historical data, the default retention period is one day. To set a time period type a number in the first field and select a value from the dropdown (min, hours, days, weeks, months). Depending on query activity, longer retention periods will cause the repository database to grow significantly

Location of log files

This is the path where IDERA SQL BIM stores log files, the default path is the same as the SSAS log files location. to set another path use the UNC format for example \\<server name>\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Log. Make sure that the account used for data collection has permissions for accessing and writing to the log files directory.

SQL Business Intelligence Manager helps monitor and manage the health and availability of SSAS, SSRS & SSIS.
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