IDERA SQL Secure provides the following new features and fixed issues.

3.0 New features

Added SQL Server file import

Users now can import a .csv file containing the SQL Servers they want to import for registration in IDERA SQL Secure. This is an important feature for environments having more than a few SQL Servers as it allows you to bulk import data into IDERA SQL Secure. For more information about this feature, see Import SQL Server instances.

Added tags for easier server management

IDERA SQL Secure now features server group tags to allow you to more easily manage your SQL Server instance snapshots. You can select tags when registering a SQL Server or simply add a tag to your existing instances. Tags allow you to select a specific group of SQL Servers rather than selecting servers one by one. For more information about server group tags, see Manage server group tags.

Added suspect SQL Server logins report

The new Suspect SQL Logins report displays all of the suspect SQL Server Accounts that do not have any assigned permissions, i.e. databases, objects, or server files. For more information about reporting, see Report on SQL Server Security.

Expanded Risk Assessment reporting

IDERA SQL Secure 3.0 includes multiple additions and modifications to the existing Security Checks in the Risk Assessment report. These new checks include:

For more information about using reports within IDERA SQL Secure, see Report on SQL Server Security.

3.0 Fixed issues

The following issues are fixed in IDERA SQL Secure:


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