In order to understand the data behind the tables in a comprehensible way, WhereScape 3D has predefined default profiling metrics as follows:



Distinct amount of values

Distinct value count - The number of unique values (excluding NULL values) contained by a column.


  • Populated count - The number of non-null values contained by a column.
  • Populated % - The percentage of non-null values in a column, meaning the 'Populated count / row count'.

Null values

  • Null count - The number of null values contained by a column.
  • Null % - The percentage of null values in a column, meaning the 'Null count / row count'.

Value range

  • Min value - This metric defines the minimum value in a column. Minimum in a numeric column means that '0' comes before '1'. But for alphabetic this means that 'a' and 'A' come before 'Z'.
  • Max value - This metric defines the maximum value in a column. Maximum in a numeric column means that '9' is bigger than '0'. But for alphabetic this means that 'z' and 'Z' are bigger than 'A'.
  • Numeric range - The numeric range only applies to numeric columns and designates the 'max value - the min value'.

Character count

  • Min character count - The minimum number of characters in at least one value of a column. This metric only applies to columns with alphabetic content.
  • Max character count - The maximum number of characters in at least one value of a column. This metric only applies to columns with alphabetic content.
  • Avg character count - The average number of characters in values of a column. This metric only applies to columns with alphabetic content.


Max trimmed length - The maximum trimmed length in at least one value of a column. This means that prefixing and post fixing white spaces are being removed before the length is being measured. This metric only applies to columns with alphabetic content.


  • Sum value - The sum of all the values contained by a column. This metric only applies to columns with numeric content.
  • Avg value - The average of all the values in a column. This metric only applies to columns with numeric content.

Frequent values

  • Top 10 most frequent values - A top 10 of values that occur most often in a column together with the number of how often they occur.
  • Top 10 least frequent values - A top 10 of values that occur the least in a column together with the number of how often they occur.

Inferred data type

Inferred data type - The WhereScape3D data type inferred from the values stored in this column.

Referentially invalid values

Referentially invalid values % - The percentage of values that are in the Foreign Key column, but not in the Primary Key column.

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