Oracle Database Administration Tools

Aqua Data Studio provides database administration tools for the Oracle database. To access the Oracle DBA Tools, you may use the Application menu under DBA Tools->Oracle->[Tool]. You may also access the Oracle DBA Tool by selecting the context popup menu on the schema browser and select DBA Tools->[Name].

The tools consist of 8 tools to manage every aspect of an Oracle database. The tools include:

    • Instance Manager: Provides manageability of the Oracle instance allowing the user to view and modify server parameters. Including the monitoring and backup of the Oracle controlfile.

    • Storage Manager: Provides manageability of the Oracle tablespaces and datafiles. Allowing a user to visualize and maintained storage. Including object and file IO statistics.

    • Rollback Manager: Provides the monitoring and maintenance or rollback segments, including current statements, transactions and execution plans.

    • Log Manager: Provides manageability of Redo Logs and Archive Logs. Allows users to create and manage redo logs including monitoring archive logs.

    • Security Manager: Provides manageability of users, roles and profiles. Allowing the user to manage permissions, roles and security of the Oracle database.

    • Session Manager: Provides manageability of database sessions, including user and system locks. Allowing the user to kill/disconnect sessions, start traces and monitor open cursors and user queries with execution plans.

    • SGA Manager: Provides manageability of the Oracle SGA area, including SQL Area, Lib Cache, Lib Cache Stats and a summary of the SGA. Allowing users to also pin and unpin code.

    • Server Statistics: Provides a summary of statistics for the Oracle instance, waits and latches.

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