14.0.19 (since 14.0.18) - September 12 2014
12451 : Bug : Table Data Editor : Computed Columns : Do not duplicate the value of computed columns.
NONE : Enhancement : Added OpenAPI AQExcelSpreadsheet.clearCurrentWorksheet() so a user can clear a worksheets data so he can write out a new dataset
NONE : Enhancement : Query Analyzer : Made the Query Window cancel operation threaded to prevent lockup based on driver blocking. Included "Cancelling ..." text in status bar to indicate to user that cancelling is in progress.
NONE : Enhancement : SQL Server : Explain Plan : Added support for SQL Server Explain on TSQL statement which returns multiple explain plans for one statement
14.0.18 (since 14.0.17) - July 17 2014
10855 : Bug : Hive : Schema Script Generator : Produces INSERT statements which are wrong for HIVE
12108 : Enhancement : Apache Hive : Visual Editor : ApacheHive0.13 - Add support for Decimal datatype scale and precision when creating tables and ER Diagrams
12196 : Enhancement : Hive : Impala :Visual Editor : Create Table window Storage Tab, Stored As default parameter should be TEXTFILE
12223 : Bug : Hive : MapR : ER Diagram : Shows wrong database version for MapR Hive
12372 : Enhancement : Hive : All distributions : Visual Editor : Create Table window Storage Tab, Stored As default parameter should be TEXTFILE
12373 : Bug : Hive : Impala : Visual Editor : Create Table column datatype list gets blank. ER Diagram included.
12390 : Bug : ParAccel : Object Type is shown incorrectly as Table for Views
12391 : Bug : DB2 UDB : View Dependencies does not display objects correctly
12393 : Bug : Greenplum : Object Type is shown incorrectly as Table for Views
12394 : Bug : Postgresql : View Dependencies is incorrect when compared to ParAccel
12408 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeller : Hive version shown one .version ahead of connected version
12431 : Bug : SQL Server : SQL Server Agent : SQL Server job step is not getting deleted
NONE : Enhancement : Added JNA 3.4.0 native libraries to home folder. We are adding these so that we do not have problems with DLL resolution.
NONE : Enhancement : GreenPlum/Postgres/Paraccel : Table properties -> extract and add dependencies
NONE : Enhancement : DB2/Oracle/Sybase ASE/MS SQL Server : View properties -> show dependencies -> added gui
NONE : Enhancement : Sybase ASE : DBA Tools : Session Manager : Locks Extraction -> Locked Object name will be queried seperately, allow for failure due to permissions on some objects.
14.0.17 (since 14.0.16) - June 24 2014
12180 : Bug : Hive : Impala : Shows Analysis Exception on generating Create Table script
12298 : Bug : MySQL : After performing any right click option on Procedure/Function "MySQLSyntaxErrorException" exception is thrown
NONE : Enhancement : Added OpenAPI AQWorkspace.deleteVC() to allow for version control delete operations.
NONE : Enhancement : Added OpenAPI AQWorkspace.addVC() so users can mark files to be committed.
NONE : Enhancement : Server Registration : Added Server Registration > Advanced option for custom message on Data Warehouse server write operation warning
14.0.16 (since 14.0.15) - June 16 2014
12278 : Bug : MySQL : ER Modeler: "Double" datatype in MySQL created with precision attributes erroneously
NONE : Bug : SQL Server : Alter Databases : Recovery model property extraction was incorrectly setting its type
NONE : Enhancement : MySQL : Version 5.5 and above will now use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Routines & Parameters system tables to extract procedure/function metadata
NONE : Enhancement : Sybase ASE : Storage Manager : More details on processing extraction info
NONE : Enhancement : Sybase ASE : Extract table SQL optimization
NONE : Bug : Alter Table : Rename : some databases where setting the rename name with the schema name when it should only be new table name
NONE : Bug : PostgreSQL : Object Search : Escape backslash determined for PostgreSQL
14.0.15 (since 14.0.14) - June 2 2014
11184 : Bug [Regression] : Sybase ASE : Quote Identifer checkbox is not working in Query Builder of Sybase ASE
11921 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Query Analyzer : Visual Explain Plan : xmlPlans and NPE in log for multiple SQL in Sybase ASE
12157 : Enhancement : Hive : Cloudera : Integrate Impala for Cloudera distribution server properties and data types
12163 : Bug : Hive : For 'Connection Type' HiveServer 1, Authentication Type block options LDAP, Kerberos authentication shown enabled
12168 : Bug : Hive : Double logs statement information to SQL Log when executing statements in the database
12169 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : Remove Date datatype from Cloudera ER Modeler
12210 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Query Analyzer : Visual Explain Plan : Insert SQL executed twice if Show Explain Plan in enabled
12229 : Bug : Greenplum : Script Create Full gives exception
12235 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Query Analyzer : Visual Explain Plan : ClassCastException for SQL in Sybase ASE with Visual Explain plan On
14.0.14 (since 14.0.13) - May 15 2014
NONE : Bug : DB2 LUW : Stopped removing "--" from queries with DB2 version 9.7. In 9.7 they now support the "--" comments.
NONE : Bug : Hive : Blank out schema in QA when kerberos is used.
NONE : Bug : Hive : Removed backtics on table and database names.
14.0.13 (since 14.0.12) - May 6 2014
11877 : Bug : Server Registration : ?auth=noSasl gets saved in User Parameter instead of Connection URL
12051 : Enhancement : Server Registration : Allow saving connection property registration without supplying a password or save password checkbox - doesn't test connection
NONE : Enhancement : Hive : When using LDAP authentication for Hive, renamed "LDAP Context" to "Login Name"
14.0.12 (since 14.0.11) - May 1 2014
11172 : Bug : DB2 iSeries : Query Builder : Does not generate Cross Join which DB2-iSeries supports
11184 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Query Builder : Quote Identifier checkbox is not working
11462 : Bug : Informix : Query Builder : Does not generate SQL Joins
11862 : Bug : Apache Hive : Data type mismatch in ADS Create Table GUI and Cloudera distribution
11863 : Bug : Apache Hive : Options : Results Format : Datatypes in lower case while others are upper
11866 : Bug : Apache Hive : Options : Results Format : Format selected and saved are not kept at relaunch - OSX
11900 : Bug : MongoDB : Query Builder : Should not allow adding another collection via shortcut
11911 : Bug : Apache Hive : NPE on schema compare of two tables
11928 : Bug : Hive : "Method not supported" message using a generic connection
11939 : Enhancement : Greenplum : Partition extract/scripting for tables
14.0.11 (since 14.0.10) - April 16 2014
10310 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Visual Explain Diagram : String index out of range: 4230
11623 : Bug : Netezza : Visual Editing : Netezza Alter User Throws "java.lang.NullPointerException"
11777 : Bug : Hive : Method not supported message is shown while creating Index
11798 : Bug : SQL Server : OpenAPI : ExtractFunctions OpenAPI methed against MSSQL is very slow and seems to ignore schema parameted
11825 : Bug : Hive : Method not supported message is shown while creating Index
11836 : Bug : Sybase ASE : Extract/scripting of table with computed index is wrong
11837 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : Can't connect with HiveServer2 for Cloudera Distribution
11840 : Bug : Hive : Aqua Commands : "Query Analyzer, using Hive, reverts the Database drop down back to default after command is submitted"
11850 : Enhancement : Netezza : Import Tool : Retrofit Netezza Batch Import to V14
11851 : Enhancement : SQL Server : Visual Editing : Add support for Extended Properties to the database object
11854 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : Query Analyzer : Autocompletion for Cloudera in 14.0.10 is not working
11855 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : Query Analyzer : Use database does not change the database context in the dropdown for Cloudera
11856 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : "SQL Exception when you generate ER Diagram in Cloudera, as there are no indexes"
11857 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : Schema Script Generator : "SQL Exception in Schema Script Generator in Cloudera, as there are no indexes"
11862 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : Visual Editing : Data type mismatch in ADS Create Table GUI and Cloudera distribution
11864 : Bug : Hive : Query Analyzer : SQL Exception in Query Builder when you add a table
11865 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : Data type mismatch in ADS Create Table GUI for ER Modeler and Cloudera distribution
11873 : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : Disable index node for Cloudera ER Modeler
11876 : Enhancement : Hive : "Added Free Form URL into Authentication Area. Also, eliminated population of realm for Kerberos if KDC is missing"
11878 : Bug : Netezza : ER Modeler : Generate Script is not taking into account the Schema Name
11879 : Bug : Netezza : Query Analyzer : Autocompletion is not displaying Netezza synonyms even when Enabled synonyms in Options
11880 : Enhancement : Netezza : FluidShell : Change schema command for Netezza with multi schema is not working for FluidShell
11884 : Bug : Netezza : Schema Browser : Constraint node for a particular schema displays all constraints in Database
11885 : Bug : Netezza : Visual Editing : Foreign Key Match Type comes with keyword UNSPECIFIED which gives error in Netezza
11886 : Enhancement : Netezza : Visual Editing : Qualify Object w/ Schema and Netezza 7.0.3 Multi Schema support
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE : Functional indexes -> index can have non function and functional parameters
NONE : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : Removed DATE/DATETIME, and Ordered Hive distributions.
NONE : Bug : Hive : Cloudera : ER Modeler : Eliminated ER index addition within the main menu
NONE : Bug : Decode the username for SQL Server Windows Authentication
14.0.10 (since 14.0.9) - March 13 2014
11777 : Bug : Hive : Method not supported message is shown while creating Index
11798 : Bug : Open API : extractFunctions OpenAPI methed against MSSQL is very slow and seems to ignore schema parameted customer request
11833 : Enhancement : Teradata Aster : JDBC driver missing drivers installation message
11836 : Bug : Sybase ASE : extract/scripting of table with computed index is wrong
11839 : Bug : Hive : Select count(*) returns an Integer instead of BigInt for Hive causing incorrect number when table count is large
11840 : Bug : Hive : Query Analyzer reverts the Database drop down back to default after command is submitted
11841 : Bug : ER Modeler : Sybase ASE : Creating Indexes in Sybase ASE ER Modeler gives NPE Tools
14.0.9 (since 14.0.8) - March 5 2014
10211 : Enhancement : Visual Editing : User Defined Data Types with multiple column is not extracted correctly
10363 : Bug : ER Modeler : Unique option is enabled in create index window
11364 : Enhancement : FluidShell : No Connection Found for a connection not in .datastudio\connections folder for runfluidscript
11418 : Enhancement : Query Analyzer : Netezza : For Netezza 7.0.3 and below, improve the SQL for DESC to ignore the owner
11480 : Bug : Query Analyzer : MySQL : Auto-Complete with a login with a dot
11541 : Bug : Visual Editing : NOT NULL gets appended to foreign key all the time
11639 : Bug : Import Tool : Oracle : Batch import with Date Column is slower and inserts incorrect 1/1/1970 for all date rows
11640 : Bug : Debugger for SQL Server : java.net.UnknownHostException on debugging with a named instance
11659 : Bug : SQL Server : Scripting of user-defined types not complete, missing IDENTITY and PRIMARY KEY
11675 : Bug : Parameterized Scripts : SaveResults with parameters in file name is not working in 13.0.4
11685 : Bug : Query Builder : NPE on double clicking on a .xqb file
11688 : Bug : Parameterized Scripts : Parameterized script condition that fails with nn identified as a parameter
11689 : Bug : Parameterized Scripts : Parameterized script condition in file that fails with .save and &t option
11716 : Bug : Parameterized Scripts : Unexpected error in executing parameterized scripts
11717 : Bug : Visual Editing : Sybase ASE : Throws "java.lang.NullPointerException"
11762 : Bug : Query Analyzer : AFStatementParserExt not parsing tables which start with numbers correctly
11763 : Bug : Schema Script Generator : Hive : Mapr : Tables are not listed in Schema Script Generator to be scripted
11764 : Bug : ER Modeler : Hive : Mapr : Tables are not listed in ER Diagram Generator
11765 : Enhancement : General : SQL Server : Tree Node -> Database Node -> Add support for Offline Icons
11766 : Bug : Query Analyzer : Hive : Not able to execute SQL statements in Hive Mapr - RuntimeException
11767 : Bug : ER Modeler : Teradata Aster : In ER diagram, table properties are uneditable for table having column with "text" datatype
11770 : Bug : ER Modeler : Teradata Aster : Time without time zone and "timestamp without time zone" datatypes are gray out in Table Properties window for Aster 6.0
11782 : Bug : Schema Browser : Vertica : Script CREATE issue with column on a cluster
11787 : Enhancement : Options : Add option File->Options->Results->Message Results->Enable Undo
11817 : Bug : General : Sybase ASE : Computed columns of large length -> Extraction not always correct
NONE : Bug : Cassandra : Moved logging of LoggerFactory instantiation failure to connect method
NONE : Bug : Oracle Session Manager : Last column should be of value Long
NONE : Enhancement : Cassandra : Added .cql as hard cored extension for SQL files.
NONE : Enhancement : Hive : Add Apache, Cloudera, HortonWorks, MapR with native JDBC driver support
NONE : Bug : SQL Server : Database extraction -> status is set to online and changed if bit values meet criteria for sql server 2008 and below
NONE : Bug : ER Modeler : Unique option is enabled in create index window
NONE : Bug : Hive : Shows incorrect Database server version for Hive 0.12
NONE : Enhancement : Netezza : Describe command will no longer use schemas in extraction query
14.0.8 (since 14.0.7) - January 9 2014
11030 : Bug : General : Drag and drop columns from Schema Browser appends datatype
11259 : Bug : Print Preview : Dialog box appears with no paper source selected
NONE : Unbundling Teradata Aster driver
14.0.7 (since 14.0.6) - December 20 2013
10784 : Bug : Visual Editing : Netezza is not extracting and scripting the distribution clause of tables when case sensitivity is set ON
11107 : Enhancement : Table Data Editor : ParAccel : Add LIMIT clause to Edit Table Data (Top 1000) query
NONE : Bug : Server Registration : Ensure proper error handling for Hive JDBC's connect method
14.0.6 (since 14.0.5) - December 11 2013
10706 : Bug : Import Tool : Oracle : Oracle Batch import with BLOB gives exception
10719 : Enhancement : ER Modeler : In Apache Cassandra latest version should appear first in ER-Modeler
10760 : Bug : ER Modeler : Constraints appearing as top level object in ER Model Comparison Results
10770 : Enhancement : ER Modeler : Include JSON datatype for PostgreSQL 9.1 and above in ER Diagram Table Properties
10784 : Bug : Visual Editing : Netezza is not extracting and scripting the distribution clause of tables when case sensitivity is set ON
10787 : Enhancement : ER Modeler : Netezza DISTRIBUTE ON RANDOM is not getting reflected on ER Model
10869 : Bug : Query Analyzer : SQL Server : NPE on opening a Query Window from the Server Menu
10890 : Enhancement : SQL Server : Schema Compare Tools : Exclude the MSmerge* objects in Schema Comparison for Merge Replication(SQL Server 2005 and above)
10896 : Enhancement : Server Registration : have an option to Set dbms_output.enable() for Oracle
10905 : Enhancement : Server Registration : enter null in DBMS_OUTPUT Buffer Size gives java.lang.NumberFormatException
10971 : Bug : FluidShell : fluidshell sqlexport of sourced file beginning with // generates syntax error
10981 : Bug : FluidShell : source command assumes file is always in UTF8 encoding
10989 : Bug : Schema Compare : Oracle -> Extract Index -> Extraction schema of index incorrectly
NONE : Enhancement : Setting the exe version of datastudio.exe
NONE : Bug : Object Search Tool : SQL Server : database triggers should not be available in object search unless version of sql server is 2005 or above
NONE : Bug : Object Search Tool : MongoDB : Fix errors in Object Search for MongoDB
14.0.5 (since 14.0.4) - November 12 2013
10697 : Bug : ER Modeler : Comparing two ER Models always includes schema name in compare
10705 : Enhancement : Schema Browser : Oracle : incorporate all of the Oracle DBA Tools > Instance Manager [Jobs tab] within the Schema Browser for Oracle 10g and above
NONE : Enhancement : Windows Installer : Setting the exe version of datastudio.exe to within properties > details for Windows 7 and above
14.0.4 (since 14.0.3) - November 6 2013
8419 : Enhancement : ER Modeler : Tools -> Generate HTML Reports. Include images as well
9891 : Bug : Query Analyzer : Drop down does not display the selected database for Query Analyzer Window
10313 : Bug : Cassandra : ADS not supporting Cassandra 2.0.1
10440 : Bug : Visual Editing : MongoDB : Alter Collection > Storage Size becomes editable after clicking Alphabetic icon
10444 : Bug : MongoDB : MongoSQL : Different format of FLATTEN_ARRAY when aliases used
10456 : Bug : Pivot Grid : pivot grid Field settings for Count don't carry over to Excel Pivot Grids
10474 : Bug : MongoDB : MongoSQL : Issues with ORDER BY when DISTINCT in WHAT
10512 : Bug : Open API : AQServerConnection.executeScript returns only 1,000 records
10519 : Bug : Visual Editing : SQL Server : "GO" Keyword missing for create Server roles script in MS SQL Server 2012
10521 : Bug : Visual Editing : MongoDB : Does not accept any Storage size once we delete default field value
10527 : Bug : Open API : AQTextProcessor.setQuoteIdentifier(int column, String quote) does not process quote properly
10583 : Enhancement : DBA Tools : Sybase ASE : Indicate the list of locks could not be determined due to exception
10587 : Bug : Export Tool : Generic ODBC : Access Export Tool generating error
10598 : Bug : MongoDB : NPE on Storage Size for MongoDB
10604 : Bug : Visual Editing : Cassandra : Column from primary key is duplicated in script generation and table options
10614 : Bug : Cassandra 2.0 : Regression with timestamp
10618 : Bug : ER Modeler : Cassandra : In ERD Cassandra 1.2 shown instead 2.0
10623 : Bug : DBA Tools : Sybase ASE : Session manager isolation_level
10624 : Bug : Query Builder : Cassandra : Query builder adds table name to the column name in WHERE and ORDER BY clauses
10634 : Enhancement : Import : Oracle : Investigate Oracle Import performance improvement techniques
10636 : Bug : Scripting : DB2 LUW : "Execute Bind” - current time not used, a hard coded date in 2005 is used instead
10662 : Bug : Table Data Editor : Cassandra 2.0 : BLOB type becomes NULL while CLONE row in Table Data Editor
10668 : Bug : Visual Editing : Create Table - making primary keys and foreign keys, the foreign keys ON DELETE and ON UPDATE not included for all foreign keys
10670 : Enhancement : Register Server : SQL Server - detect when Server Name: begins with \ or \\
10671 : Bug : Query Builder : Cassandra : for Cassandra Criteria taken in ( ) which cause CQL error
10673 : Bug : Connection Clustering : Issues with connection clustering on changing databases from the default specified in the server properties
10682 : Bug : Visual Editing : Exception on selecting Insert/Delete Constraint for table create UI
10687 : Bug : Options : Results Format : custom date, custom datetime options - carrying over to Decimal options
10701 : Bug : DB2 z/OS : Extraction of foreign key columns including other keys columns
14.0.3 (since 14.0.1) - October 16 2013
10272 : Enhancement : FluidShell : projectdeploy command to deploy a Aqua Data Studio project to Aqua Data Server
10369 : Bug : Cassandra : INSERT statement for blob data type incorrect
10382 : Enhancement : Schema Compare : In Schema Compare, Choose Server or Database window list of database is not in Alphabetic order
10389 : Bug : MongoShell : Remove uncaught exception from error message
10415 : Bug : Options : Keybinding : Shift-Delete does not place test into Clipboard
10416 : Bug : Query Analyzer : Parsing column names within square brackets like [Req'd] - thinks the single quote is start of a string
10432 : Enhacement : ER Modeler : MongoDB : Display entire list of mongodb datatypes in the ER Modeler
10459 : Bug : SQL Server : Windows Single Sign On - user should not be prompted for password
10460 : Bug : Query Analyzer : Text is getting displayed in black, deviation in behaviour from ADS 13.0
10475 : Bug : Server Properties : Server Registration with different Authentication options does not honor option - Disable Password Saving
14.0.1 (since 14.0.0) - October 9 2013
#10046 : Bug : MongoDB : Functions do not work when stand in GROUP BY
#10269 : Bug : MongoDB : Regression error with aliases
#10307 : Bug : MongoDB : Error with projection dotted names from the $group
#10334 : Bug : MongoDB : Deviant behavior of a mongoSQL query
#10346 : Bug : Cassandra : Table data editor : values of NUMBER/BLOB/BOOLEAN/UUID data types are quoted in collections
#10347 : Bug : MongoDB : Different results returned for similar mongoSQL queries
#10353 : Bug : MS SQL Server 2005 : Visual Editing : Table name does not refresh in extended properties script
#10360 : Bug : MongoDB : Table Data Editor : issues with Primary Key tab( not all types shown and no refresh)
#10361 : Bug : MongoDB : mongoSQL INTERSECT operation returns redundant values
#10368 : Bug : Import Tool : Not identifying CR (carriage return) for new line during import
14.0.0 ( New Features since 13.0.x )