The Create Database right-click menu is available only to those database vendors and versions that directly support "database" as a schema object.

Those vendors are:

  • Amazon Redshift
  • Apache Hive
  • Informix
  • MariaDB
  • MongoDB
  • SQL Database (Azure)
  • Microsoft SQL
  • MySQL
  • Teradata Aster
  • ParAccel
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sybase

Within the Schema Browser, connections that support database creation will have a databases container underneath the connection icon when the server connection tree is expanded. Once a server connection has been established, creating a database can be done by right-clicking on the connection in the Schema Browser and selecting, "Create Database".

Aqua Data Studio strictly follows the functionality and API (application programming interface) provided by each database vendor, and therefore cannot provide a direct graphical method for database creation in Apache, DB2, Oracle, and Teradata.

The database server connections which do not directly support "database" as a schema object - Apache Derby, DB2, Oracle, Teradata, VoltDB - may have Database Administration Tools for managing Tablespaces and Storage and Instances. See the DBA Tools section for more on the tools available in Aqua Data Studio. Server connections to these vendors do not include a database container within their expanded trees in the Schema Browser. They will have My Schema and Schema containers which then contain tables other objects.

The screenshot displays a MySQL Server that allows the creation of a database in the Schema Browser Tree.  Below it, an Oracle 12c server connection has been expanded to reveal it does not have a databases container. There are containers for My Schema and Schema.

ALTER Database

Existing Databases can also be ALTERed through the Visual Editing tools.  Right-clicking on a database allows selection of "Alter Database"

DROP Database

The Visual Editing tools also allow users to DROP an existing database through right-clicking in the Schema Browser.

Schema Browser - CREATE Database

Schema Browser - ALTER Database

Schema Browser - DROP Database

MySQL nodes vs Oracle nodes

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