Oracle DBA Tools - Security Manager

Provides manageability of users, roles and profiles. Allowing the user to manage permissions, roles and security of the Oracle database.

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available operations for Tree tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the security manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab
Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab
Create User: Creates a new user
Alter User: Edits selected user
Drop User: Drops selected user
User Properties: Shows properties of selected user
Create Role: Creates a new role
Alter Role: Edits selected role
Drop Role: Drops selected role
Role Properties: Shows properties of selected role
Create Profile: Creates a new profile
Alter Profile: Edits selected profile
Drop Profile: Drops selected profile
Profile Properties: Shows properties of selected profile

Available operations for Users tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the security manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else
Create User: Creates a new user
Alter User: Edits selected user
Drop User: Drops selected user
View User: Shows properties of selected user

Available operations for Roles tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the security manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else
Create Role: Creates a new role
Alter Role: Edits selected role
Drop Role: Drops selected role
Role Properties: Shows properties of selected role

Available operations for Profiles tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the security manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else
Create Profile: Creates a new profile
Alter Profile: Edits selected profile
Drop Profile: Drops selected profile
Profile Properties: Shows properties of selected profile

Tree Tab - Provides a tree display of the users, roles and profiles for the Oracle database. Selecting an object in the tree structure will display a detailed view of the object on the right pane.
Users Tab - Provides a list of users in the Oracle database

Name: Name of the user
Default Tablespace: Default tablespace for data
Temp Tablespace: Name of the default tablespace for temporary table or the name of a tablespace group
Profile: User resource profile name
Created Date: User creation date
Status: Account status
Locked Date: Date the account was locked
Expiration Date: Date the account expires
Roles Tab - Provides a list of roles in the Oracle database

Name: Name of the role
Password Required: Indicates if the role requires a password to be enabled
Authentication: Authentication that is required {NONE, PASSWORD, GLOBAL, EXTERNAL}
Profiles Tab - Provides a list of profiles in the Oracle database

Name: Profile name
Composite Limit: Total resource cost for a session
Private SGA: Specifies the number of bytes of private space in the system global area (SGA) that can be used by a session. This limit applies only if you are using Shared Server architecture and allocating private space in the SGA for your session.
Connect Time: Specifies the elapsed time allowed for a session measured in minutes
Idle Time: Idle time before a connection is closed

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