Oracle DBA Tools - Storage Manager

Provides manageability of the Oracle tablespaces and datafiles. Allowing a user to visualize and maintained storage. Including object and file IO statistics.

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available Operations for Tree tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy All w/ Headers and Row Count: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab
Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab
Create Tablespace: Creates a new Tablespace
Alter Tablespace: Edits the selected Tablespace
Drop Tablespace: Drops the selected Tablespace
Tablespace Properties: Shows properties of selected Tablespace
Coalesce Tablespace: Combines all contiguous free extents into larger contiguous extents from the tablespace selected.
Create Datafile: Creates a new Datafile
Alter Datafile: Alters the selected Datafile
Datafile Properties: Shows properties of selected Datafile

Available Operations for Tablespaces tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Create Tablespace: Creates a new Tablespace
Alter Tablespace : Edits the selected Tablespace
Drop Tablespace: Drops the selected Tablespace
Tablespace Properties: Shows properties of selected Tablespace
Coalesce Tablespace: Combines all contiguous free extents into larger contiguous extents from the tablespace selected.

Available Operations for Datafiles tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnecst to the database server
Copy All w/ Headers and Row Count: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Create Datafile: Creates a new Datafile
Alter Datafile: Alters the selected Datafile
Datafile Properties: Shows properties of selected Datafile

Available Operations for Objects tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy All w/ Headers and Row Count: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Tablespaces: Chooses the tablespace you want to see the objects from
Type: Chooses the type of object you want to see

Available Operations for Fragmentation tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement

Available Operations for File IO Stats tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement

Available Operations for Object IO Stats tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement

Tree Tab - Displays hierarchically the tablespaces and datafiles.

Name: Name of the tablespace or datafile
Path: Path of the datafile
Status: Tablespace status {ONLINE, OFFLINE, READ ONLY}
Contents: Tablespace contents {UNDO, PERMANENT, TEMPORARY}
Logging: Default logging status {LOGGING, NOLOGGING}
Size: Total allocated space for the tablespace or datafile
User: Total space available for data in the tablespace or datafile
Free: Total space available in tablespace or datafile
Used (Percent): Percentage of space used in tablespace or datafile
Coalesced: Percentage of space coalesced in tablespace
Tablespaces Tab - Provides a list of tablespaces and detailed information on each tablespace.

Name: Name of the tablespace
Status: Tablespace status {ONLINE, OFFLINE, READ ONLY}
Extent Management: Indicates whether the extents in the tablespace are dictionary managed (DICTIONARY) or locally managed (LOCAL)
Contents: Tablespace contents {UNDO, PERMANENT, TEMPORARY}
Logging: Default logging status {LOGGING, NOLOGGING}
Size: Total allocated space for the tablespace
Free: Total space available in tablespace
Used (percent): Percentage of space used in tablespace
Coalesced: Percentage of space coalesced in tablespace
Initial Ext: Initial extent size
Next Ext: Incremental extent size
Min Ext: Minimum number of extents
Max Ext: Maximum number of extents
PCT Increase: Percent increase for extent size
Datafiles Tab - Provides a list datafiles and detailed information on each datafile.

Name: Name of the database file
Path: Filesystem path of the database file
Tablespace: Name of the tablespace
Status: Database file status {AVAILABLE or INVALID}
Contents: Datafile contents {UNDO, PERMANENT, TEMPORARY}
Logging: Default logging status {LOGGING, NOLOGGING}
Size: Total allocated space for the datafile
Free: Total space available in datafile
Used (percent): Percentage of space used in datafile
Auto extent: Whether the datafile auto extends file size
Increment by: Increment size for auto extent
Max Size: Maximum extendable size

Objects Tab - Provides a complete list of objects stored in a specified tablespace.

Type = Table

Table Name: Name of the database object
Table Schema: Owner of the table
Tablespace: Name of the tablespace containing the table
Type: Indicates whether it is SYSTEM or USER table
Partitioned: Specifies whether the table is partitioned or not
Data: Total Size occupied by the table. Calculated by NUM_ROWS * AVG_ROW_LEN
Indexes: Space used by Indexes in the table
Segment Size: Total size of the extent occupied by the table. Calculated by SUM(BYTES)
Row Count: Total number of rows in the table
Created Date: Date on which the table was created 

Type = Index

Index Name: Name of the index object
Index Schema: Owner of the Index
Table Name: Name of the table
Table Schema: Owner of the Table
Tablespace: Name of the tablespace containing the index
Type: Indicates whether it is a SYSTEM or USER index
Index Type: Type of the index {Normal, Cluster etc}
Indexes: Size of the Index
Status: Indicates whether the index is valid or not
Unique: Whether the index is UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE
Row Count: Number of rows in the index
Created Date: Date on which the index was created

Fragmentation Tab - Displays fragmentation information on tablespaces in the database.

Tablespace: Name of the tablespace
Total blocks: Total available blocks
Empty blocks: Empty blocks
Total # Extents: Total number of extents
Largest: Largest available block size
Smallest: Smallest available block size
Average: Average size of available blocks
File IO Stats Tab - Displays read and write performance statistics on the datafiles for the database tablespaces.

Tablespace: Name of the tablespace
Filename: Name of the datafile
Path: Name of the datafile path
Phy Reads: Number of physical reads done
Phy Blk Reads: Number of physical blocks read
Read Pct: Percent of reads of all reads on all tablespaces
Phy Writes: Number of times DBWR is requried to write
Phy Blk Writes: Number of blocks written to disk
Write Pct: Percent of writes of all writes on all tablespaces
Avg IO Time: Average time spent on I/O, if TIMED_STATISTICS parameter is true
Object IO Stats Tab - Displays IO statistics for objects in the database.

Owner: Name of object owner
Object Name: Name of object
Object Type: Objec type
IO Cost: Sum of the I/O costs of operations as estimated by the optimizer’s cost-based approach.
Total Size: Sum of the number of bytes produced by operations estimated by the cost-based optimizer.

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