If you have large composite strings containing multiple information, you can use the Split feature in Visual Analytics. The Split feature splits a string into multiple substrings based on a separator. This feature is available on right-click of string dimension in the Data pane.
This feature is also available as a calculated field function. For more information, see Calculated Field Functions.

Split Parameters


Defines the splitting parameter for the string. You can either choose a separator from the list or provide a custom separator in the separator combo box.
If the separators vary in a single row, then you can use the REGEXP_EXTRACT function.
For example, to extract the user name and the business unit from Email / Business Unit; specify @abc.com; as the separator, Visual Analytics splits the input string into 2 substrings, Email / Business Unit – Split 1 contains the user names and Email / Business Unit – Split 2 contains the business units.


Sets a split rule. All splits a string from left and displays all possible substrings that it could generate from that string. First splits a string from the left and Last splits from the right.
 Example 1: to extract the apartment number from the Employee Address; set the separator as a comma (,) and split rule as First, Visual Analytics parses the string and searches for the separator from the left, and returns the split result.
Example 2: to extract phone numbers from the Employee Address; set the separator as a comma (,) and split rule as Last, Visual Analytics parses the string and searches for the separator from the right, and returns the split result.


Determines the number of substrings a string should be split. The default value is 1, which means the input string is split once at the occurrence of the separator. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the First and Last split rule.
Example 1: if you set the split rule as First, and the separator as a comma (,) and set the occurrences to 2, Visual Analytics splits the Employee Address string into 2 substrings from the left. Employee Address - Split 1 contains the apartment number and Employee Address - Split 2 contains the street name.

Example 2: if you set the split rule as Last, and the separator as a comma (,) and set the occurrences to 2, Visual Analytics splits the Employee Address string into 2 substrings from the right. Employee Address - Split 1 contains the country name and Employee Address - Split 2 contains the phone numbers.


Displays how Visual Analytics splits the string. Preview window displays 20 unique records from the field on which split is applied.

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