The Apache Derby JDBC drivers included with ADS work across all versions of Apache Derby. Apache Derby server releases are frequent, and may sometimes require updating the JDBC driver. 


Driver Location

You may locate the latest Apache Derby JDBC drivers at the following location ...

Vendor: Apache Derby
Driver URL:

The Apache Derby JDBC driver is included inside the derbyclient.jar file that comes with the BIN distribution of Derby. 

Updating Driver Contents for use Apache Derby

To update the Aqua Data Studio JDBC drivers for Apache Derby you need to overwrite the Aqua Data Studio derby.jar and derbyclient.jar files. Below is a listing of the Aqua Data Studio library directory [ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\ ...



C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 20.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 70B3-F581

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 20.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers

04/04/2019  11:21 AM    <DIR>          .
04/04/2019  11:21 AM    <DIR>          ..
04/02/2019  08:23 AM            15,364 cassandra-clientutil-extras.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM            36,549 cassandra-clientutil.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           228,286 cassandra-jackson-core-asl.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           765,648 cassandra-jackson-mapper-asl.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,073,177 cassandra-thrift.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         4,234,170 db2jcc4.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM             1,015 db2jcc_license_cu.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         3,232,770 derby.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           588,394 derbyclient.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           272,626 derbynet.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           199,010 google-api-client.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           107,293 google-api-services-bigquery-v2.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM             6,672 google-http-client-jackson2.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           356,261 google-http-client.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM            10,776 google-oauth-client-java6.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM             5,799 google-oauth-client-jetty.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM            61,116 google-oauth-client.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM        18,438,062 hive-exec.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM            93,137 hive-jdbc.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         5,273,347 hive-metastore.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,860,639 hive-service.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           963,515 ifxjdbc.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           259,809 interclient.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,873,815 jconnect16.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           539,912 jetty-6.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           177,131 jetty-util.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         4,739,226 jt400.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           549,861 jtds-src.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           373,875 jtds.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           585,828 mariadb.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         2,223,387 mongo.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         2,718,518 mysql-src.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,004,838 mysql.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         4,036,257 ojdbc8.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,661,088 orai18n.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           415,357 paraccel-jdbc.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM        38,354,188 phoenix.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           790,405 postgresql.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         6,573,928 redshift.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM        15,818,611 snowflake.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         6,672,489 sqlite-jdbc.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,111,548 sqljdbc42.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           287,555 util400.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         9,038,592 voltdb.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           259,806 xdb6.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM         1,420,339 xmlparserv2.jar
04/02/2019  08:23 AM           779,974 zookeeper.jar
              47 File(s)    140,089,963 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  25,725,767,680 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 20.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>



Aqua Data
Aqua Data

The Java class path for the drivers are already configured for ADS in the datastudio.ini for launching ADS with datastudio.exe and in datastudio.bat/.sh and datastudio-bundled.bat/.sh for launching Aqua Data Studio from the command line.

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