Apache Hive JDBC drivers are included with ADS. These four Apache Hive JDBC Driver files are found in the following locations:
[ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\hive-exec.jar [ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\hive-jdbc.jar [ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\hive-metastore.jar [ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\hive-service.jar
[ADS_INSTALL]/lib/drivers/hive-exec.jar [ADS_INSTALL]/lib/drivers/hive-jdbc.jar [ADS_INSTALL]/lib/drivers/hive-metastore.jar [ADS_INSTALL]/lib/drivers/hive-service.jar
OSX - OSX Driver Location Navigation
Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/Java/drivers/hive-exec.jar Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/Java/drivers/hive-jdbc.jar Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/Java/drivers/hive-metastore.jar Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/Java/drivers/hive-service.jar
All of the example file locations below are for a Linux operating system but can equally apply to a Windows or OSX operating system. See above for file locations by operating system.
- Determining What Hive JDBC Driver Version Is In Use
- Updating Apache Hive JDBC Drivers
- Connecting to a Hortonworks Distribution of Hive
- Connecting to a Cloudera Distribution of Hive
- Connecting to a Mapr Distribution of Hive
- Connecting to an Amazon EMR Distribution of Hive
Aqua Data Studio allows connecting to Apache, Mapr, Hortonworks and Cloudera Hive distributions. It is important that the four files which come by default within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers be removed and replaced with the same named files which came with your server distribution from Hortonworks, Cloudera or Mapr.
Only one distribution can be used at a time, so you cannot have files from more than one distribution in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
Once your distribution drivers are in place in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers, edit your server properties for a registered server. The appropriate distribution name must be selected in the Distribution dropdown in the Location section of the Server Properties > General tab.
For Aqua Data Studio to show you which drivers are in use for your distribution, you must connect to your distribution at least once before they appear in the About Aqua Data Studio > JDBC Drivers tab.
Determining What Hive JDBC Driver Version Is In Use
Click on About Aqua Data Studio > JDBC Drivers. The Apache Hive drivers are loaded dynamically so you must connect at least once to your distribution to see what version is listed in the JDBC Drivers dialog. Below is an example screenshot of the default Hive drivers.
Click on the Server Support Information dialog. Right-click on your hive server listed in the Aqua Data Studio schema window and select the Server Support Information dialog. Below is an example screenshot of the default Hive drivers.
Some other possible drivers that might be listed in the dialog's shown above include:
- com.amazon.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver - Amazon driver
- com.amazon.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver - Amazon driver
- com.cloudera.impala.jdbc4.Driver - Cloudera Impala driver
- com.cloudera.impala.jdbc41.Driver - Cloudera Impala driver
- com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver - Cloudera Hive driver
- com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver - Cloudera Hive driver
- com.simba.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver - Simba(Hortonworks) Hive driver
- com.simba.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver - Simba(Hortonworks) Hive driver
- org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver - Apache Hive driver
Updating Apache Hive JDBC Drivers
The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with your updated Apache Hive JDBC drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Copy the drivers from your Apache Hive Distribution:
hive-service-x.xx.x.jar Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Apache Hive JDBC driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Apache Hive JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Apache Hive and connect.
Connecting to a Hortonworks Distribution of Hive
The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with Hortonworks JDBC drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio
- Copy the Hortonworks JDBC drivers from your Hortonworks Distribution:
If connecting to Hortonworks using Kerberos authentication, you'll also need to copy the following libraries:
hive-shims-0.23-*.jar Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Hortonworks JDBC driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Hortonworks JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Hortonworks and connect.
Using Simba Hive JDBC Connector Drivers to Connect to Hortonworks
It is possible to connect to Hortonworks by using the Simba Hive JDBC Connector Drivers which can be downloaded from the Hortonworks website. The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with the Simba Hive JDBC Connector drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Copy the following Simba Hive JDBC Connector drivers from your Hortonworks website download.
hive_metastore.jar Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Simba Hive JDBC Connector driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Simba Hive JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Hortonworks and connect.
Connecting to a Cloudera Distribution of Hive
The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with Cloudera JDBC drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Copy the Cloudera JDBC drivers from your Cloudera Distribution
hive-service-x.xx.x-xxxx.x.x.jar Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Cloudera JDBC driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Cloudera JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Cloudera and connect.
Using Cloudera Connector Drivers to Connect to Cloudera
It is possible to connect to Cloudera by using the Cloudera JDBC Connector Drivers which come bundled with Cloudera or could be downloaded from the Cloudera website. The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with the Cloudera JDBC Connector drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Copy the following Cloudera JDBC Connector drivers from your Cloudera Distribution or website download
(for those using Impala and HiveServer2)
(for those only using Impala)
(for those only using HiveServer2)
hive_metastore.jar - Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Cloudera JDBC Connector driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Cloudera JDBC Connector drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Cloudera and connect.
Connecting to a Mapr Distribution of Hive
The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with Mapr JDBC drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Copy the Mapr JDBC drivers from your Mapr Distribution:
hive-service-x.xx.x.jar Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Mapr JDBC driver files you copied in step 2 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Mapr JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Mapr and connect.
Connecting to an Amazon EMR Distribution of Hive
The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with Amazon EMR JDBC drivers.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Download the Amazon JDBC drivers from the Amazon EMR website and extract the HiveJDBC4 zip contents.
TCLIServiceClient.jar - Copy the four Amazon EMR JDBC drivers listed above that you downloaded from Amazon's EMR Website
Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Amazon JDBC driver files that you copied in step 3 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Amazon JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Amazon EMR and connect.
Note: When using the Amazon Connector driver version 1.0.4, it is recommended that you add this parameter - ?UseNativeQuery=1 to the Server Properties->Driver->Parameters field. This alleviates an issue related to the way the JDBC drivers handle complex data columns.
Using Apache Hive JDBC Drivers to Connect to Amazon EMR
It is possible to connect to Amazon EMR by using the Apache Hive JDBC Drivers downloadable from the Apache Hive website. The following four files for Apache's Hive distribution from within <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers should be removed and replaced with Apache Hive JDBC drivers download from the Apache Hive website.
- Shut down Aqua Data Studio.
- Download the Apache Hive JDBC Drivers from the Apache Hive website that match the version of the server you are running in Amazon EMR.
- Copy the Apache Hive JDBC drivers that you downloaded:
Move the Apache Hive drivers which came preinstalled in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers into a folder outside of <ADS_INSTALL> (this allows putting them back later if needed).
Note: Renaming them is not sufficient, you must either delete these files or move them to a directory outside of [ADS_INSTALL]
- Paste the Apache Hive JDBC driver files you copied in step 3 into <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers.
- Restart Aqua Data Studio.
Once you've pasted the Apache Hive JDBC drivers in <ADS_INSTALL>/lib/drivers and restarted Aqua Data Studio, set the Server Properties > General tab Location Connection Type (choose HiveServer 1, HiveServer 2, Impala or Spark SQL) and Distribution drop-down to Amazon EMR and connect.
OSX Driver Location Navigation
To get to the driver location in OSX, select "Finder". Select "Applications". Locate the Aqua Data Studio app and right click on it. Select "Show Package Contents"