'This macro will perform the 'align left' operation (similar
      'to the align buttons on the Alignment Toolbar) for all selected
      'This macro demonstrates more on how to use entity display objects.
      Sub Main
      	Dim MyDiagram As Diagram
      	Dim MyModel As Model
      	Dim MyEntity As Entity
      	Dim MySubModel As SubModel
      	Dim MySelObject As SelectedObject
      	Dim MyAttribute As AttributeObj
      	Dim MyEntityDisplay As EntityDisplay
      	Dim LeftMostEntity As EntityDisplay
      	Dim ID As Integer
      	Dim LeftMost As Integer
      	Dim xPosition As Integer
      	Dim Logical As Boolean
      	Dim ObjectName As String
      	Dim ObjType As Integer
      	LeftMost = -1
      	'Get the current diagram.
      	Set MyDiagram = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	'Get the current model.
      	Set MyModel = MyDiagram.ActiveModel
      	'Get the current submodel.
      	Set MySubModel = MyModel.ActiveSubModel
      	'Determine if the model is logical or physical.
      	Logical = MyModel.Logical
      	'FDetermine the left-most coordinate position is. Iterate 
      	'through all the selected entities in the submodel and 
      	'found out which entity is the left-most.
      	For Each MySelObject In MySubModel.SelectedObjects
      		'Get type of the selected object.
      		ObjType = MySelObject.Type
      		'We only want to align entities, so check the
      		'object type.
      		If ObjType = 1 Then
      			'Get the ID of the selected object.
      			ID = MySelObject.ID
      			'Now, get the actual entity object with this ID.
      			Set MyEntity = MyModel.Entities.Item(ID)
      			'We need to get the entity name, so that we can
      			'get the corresponding entity display object from
      			'the submodel.
      			'If the model is logical, get the entity name. 
      			'If it is physical, get the table name.
      			If Logical = True Then
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.EntityName
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.TableName
      			End If
      			'Get the entity display object from the submodel.
      			Set MyEntityDisplay = MySubModel.EntityDisplays.Item(ObjectName)
      			'Get the x coordinate (upper left corner) of the 
      			'entity display object.
      			xpos = MyEntityDisplay.HorizontalPosition
      			'If this x coordinate is less than any of the
      			'x coordinates so far, then assign this x coordinate
      			'as the left-most.
      			If xpos < LeftMost Or LeftMost = -1 Then
      				LeftMost = xpos
      			End If
      		End If
      	Next MySelObject
      	'Now iterate through all selected entities and align each
      	'of the left sides with the smallest x coordinate 
      	'found above.
      	For Each MySelObject In MySubModel.SelectedObjects
      		'Get type of the selected object.
      		ObjType = MySelObject.Type
      		'We only want to align entities, so check the
      		'object type.
      		If ObjType = 1 Then	
      			ID = MySelObject.ID
      			'Now, get the actual entity object with this ID.
      			Set MyEntity = MyModel.Entities.Item(ID)
      			'We need to get the entity name, so that we can
      			'get the corresponding entity display object from
      			'the submodel.
      			'If the model is logical, get the entity name. 
      			'If it is physical, get the table name.
      			If Logical = True Then
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.EntityName
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.TableName
      			End If
      			'Get the entity display object from the submodel.
      			Set MyEntityDisplay = MySubModel.EntityDisplays.Item(ObjectName)
      			'Align the left side of the entity display object 
      			'with the smallest x coordinate found in
      			'the previous iteration loop.
      			MyEntityDisplay.HorizontalPosition = LeftMost	
      		End If
      	Next MySelObject
      End Sub

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