'It will take all the attributes from all the selected entities
      'and add them into one newly created entity. 
      'This function will get the average x or y coordinate point among
      'all selected entities.  The second parameter determines whether
      'to calculate the average x coordinate or the average y coordinate.
      Function GetAveragePoint(MyModel As Model, GetXPoint As Boolean) As Integer
      	Dim ID As Integer
      	Dim MyEntity As Entity
      	Dim MySubModel As SubModel
      	Dim MySelObject As SelectedObject
      	Dim ObjectName As String
      	Dim Logical As Boolean
      	Dim MyEntityDisplay As EntityDisplay
      	Dim TotalPoint As Integer
      	Dim AveragePoint As Integer
      	Dim Point As Integer
      	Dim ObjType As Integer
      	Point = -1
      	TotalPoint = -1
      	AveragePoint = -1
      	'Determine whether or not the model is logical.
      	Logical = MyModel.Logical
      	'Get the current submodel.
      	Set MySubModel = MyModel.ActiveSubModel
      	'Now iterate through all the selected objects and accumulate
      	'all the x or y coordinates for all selected entities.
      	For Each MySelObject In MySubModel.SelectedObjects
      		'We are only concerned with entities, so check the
      		'object type.
      		ObjType = MySelObject.Type
      		If ObjType = 1 Then
      			'Get the ID of the selected object.
      			ID = MySelObject.ID
      			'Now, get the entity object with this ID.
      			Set MyEntity = MyModel.Entities.Item(ID)
      			'We need to get the entity name, so that we can
      			'get the corresponding entity display object from
      			'the submodel.
      			'If the model is logical, get the entity name. 
      			'Otherwise, get the table name.			
      			If Logical = True Then
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.EntityName
      				ObjectName = MyEntity.TableName
      			End If
      			'Get the entity display object from the submodel.
      			Set MyEntityDisplay = MySubModel.EntityDisplays.Item(ObjectName)
      			'If the user wants the average x coordinate, then
      			'accumulate the x point of the selected entity.
      			'Otherwise, accumulate the y point of the selected
      			If GetXPoint = True Then
      				Point = MyEntityDisplay.HorizontalPosition
      				Point = MyEntityDisplay.VerticalPosition
      			End If
      		End If
      		'Add the current point to the total point value.
      		TotalPoint = TotalPoint + Point
      	Next MySelObject
      	'Get the count of selected entities.
      	NumSelObjects = MySubModel.SelectedObjects.Count
      	'If the count is not 0, then get the average point value
      	'by dividing the total Point value from the number of 
      	'selected objects.
      	If NumSelObjects <> 0 Then
      		AveragePoint = TotalPoint / NumSelObjects
      	End If
      	'Return this average point value.
      	GetAveragePoint = AveragePoint
      End Function
      Sub Main
      	Dim MyDiagram As Diagram
      	Dim MyModel As Model
      	Dim MyEntity As Entity
      	Dim MySubModel As SubModel
      	Dim MySelObject As SelectedObject
      	Dim MyAttribute As AttributeObj
      	Dim MyEntityDisplay As EntityDisplay
      	Dim LeftMostEntity As EntityDisplay
      	Dim NewEntity As Entity
      	Dim NewAttribute As AttributeObj
      	Dim AttributeName As String
      	Dim ID As Integer
      	Dim Logical As Boolean
      	Dim AttributePrefix As String
      	Dim ObjType As Integer
      	Dim PrimaryKey As Boolean
      	Dim xPoint As Integer
      	Dim yPoint As Integer
      	Dim NewEntityName As String
      	Dim Datatype As String
      	Dim NullOption As String
      	Dim DataScale As Integer
      	Dim DataLength As Integer
      	'Get the current diagram.
      	Set MyDiagram = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	'Get the current model.
      	Set MyModel = MyDiagram.ActiveModel
      	'Get the current submodel.
      	Set MySubModel = MyModel.ActiveSubModel
      	'Determine whether the model is logical.
      	Logical = MyModel.Logical
      	'Get the average x coordinate value among all selected
      	xPoint = GetAveragePoint(MyModel, True)
      	'Get the average y coordinate value among all selected
      	yPoint = GetAveragePoint(MyModel, False)
      	'Create a new entity at the average x and y coordinate
      	If xPoint <> -1 And yPoint <> -1 Then
      		Set NewEntity = MyModel.Entities.Add(xPoint, yPoint)
      		Exit Sub
      	End If
      	'Iterate through all the selected entities and 'move' all the
      	'attributes from each selected entity into the new entity.
      	'The way we 'move' attributes from each original entity
      	'to the new entity is by creating a new attribute in the
      	'new entity and copying all the attribute properties from
      	'the old attribute to the new attribute.
      	For Each MySelObject In MySubModel.SelectedObjects
      		'Get type of the selected object.
      		ObjType = MySelObject.Type
      		'We are only concerned with entities, so
      		'check the object type.
      		If ObjType = 1 Then
      			'Get the ID of the selected object.
      			ID = MySelObject.ID
      			'Get the actual entity object with this ID
      			Set MyEntity = MyModel.Entities.Item(ID)
      			'We get the original entity name for two reasons:
      			'In order to create new, unique attribute names
      			'in the new entity we will take the old attribute name
      			'and add the original entity name as a prefix.
      			'This will ensure that all attribute
      			'names in the new entity will be unique.
      			'Also, we want to create a new name for the new
      			'entity.  The name will be all the original entity
      			'names appended together.
      			'If the model is logical, get the entity name. 
      			'Otherwise, get the table name.
      			If Logical = True Then
      				AttributePrefix = MyEntity.EntityName
      				NewEntityName = MyEntity.EntityName + "_" + NewEntityName				
      				AttributePrefix = MyEntity.TableName
      				NewEntityName = MyEntity.TableName + "_" + NewEntityName
      			End If
      			'Iterate through all the attributes in the original
      			'selected entity. For each attribute, we will create
      			'a new attribute in the new entity and copy the 
      			'properties of the old attribute to the new attribute.
      			For Each MyAttribute In MyEntity.Attributes
      				'We are only concerned with non-foreign key
      				'attributes.  So, check the foreign key status
      				'of the attribute.
      				If MyAttribute.ForeignKey = False Then
      					'To create the new attribute name,
      					'we have to get the old attribute name and
      					'prefix it with the original entity name.
      					'(As explained above.)
      					'We want the attribute name if the model
      					'is logical.  Otherwise, we want the column
      					If Logical = True Then
      						AttributeName = MyAttribute.AttributeName
      						AttributeName = MyAttribute.ColumnName
      					End If
      					'Create the new attribute name.
      					AttributeName = AttributePrefix + "_" + AttributeName
      					'For now, we will just copy the primary
      					'key status, the datatype, and the null option
      					'from the old attribute to the new attribute.
      					'So, get these properties from the old
      					PrimaryKey = MyAttribute.PrimaryKey
      					Datatype = MyAttribute.Datatype
      					DataLength = MyAttribute.DataLength
      					DataScale = MyAttribute.DataScale
      					NullOption = MyAttribute.NullOption
      					'Create the new attribute in the new entity.
      					'The original primary key status is passed in 
      					'as a parameter to the Add function.
      					Set NewAttribute = NewEntity.Attributes.Add(AttributeName, PrimaryKey)
      					'Now set the datatype and null option of the
      					'new attribute to match that of the old attribute.
      					NewAttribute.Datatype = Datatype
      					NewAttribute.DataLength = DataLength
      					NewAttribute.DataScale = DataScale
      					NewAttribute.NullOption = NullOption
      				End If
      			Next MyAttribute
      			'Now that we've copied all the attributes from
      			'the original selected entity, we can delete the
      			'original entity.
      		End If
      	Next MySelObject
      	'Change the name of the new entity.  The new name
      	'equals all the original selected entity names appended 
      	NewEntity.EntityName = NewEntityName
      	NewEntity.TableName = NewEntityName
      End Sub

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