' AUTHOR:		Mervyn Courtney
      ' DATE:			30/10/2003
      ' This macro converts the case of Attributes, Columns and Entty/Table names for the highlighted tables/Entities
      ' in the active SubModel to all upper or lower case.  Works in Logical or Physical models
      Sub Main
      	' Declare the variables.
      	Dim d  As Diagram
      	Dim m  As Model
      	Dim sm As SubModel
      	Dim o  As SelectedObject
      	Dim id As Integer
      	Dim e  As Entity
      	Dim a As AttributeObj
      	' Do the normal stuff.
      	Set d = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	Set m = d.ActiveModel
      	Set sm = m.ActiveSubModel
      	' Prompt the user to make a choice for upper/lower case.
      	Begin Dialog UserDialog 300,112,"Case Selection" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
      		OKButton 110,91,90,21
      		GroupBox 10,7,140,77,"Convert",.GroupBox1
      		CheckBox 20,21,110,14,"Entity/Table",.chkEntity
      		CheckBox 20,42,100,14,"Columns",.chkColumn
      		CheckBox 20,63,90,14,"Attributes",.chkAttr
      		GroupBox 160,7,130,77,"Case Conversion",.GroupBox2
      		OptionGroup .optCase
      			OptionButton 170,28,100,14,"&Upper Case",.OptionButton1
      			OptionButton 170,49,100,14,"&Lower Case",.OptionButton2
      	End Dialog
      	Dim dlg As UserDialog
      	Dialog dlg
      	' You need the submodel when determining what's selected.
      	' Iterate through all selected objects and process the only entities.
      	For Each o In sm.SelectedObjects
      		If o.Type = 1 Then		' Entities are Type 1 objects.
      			' Get the entity.
      			id = o.ID
      			Set e = m.Entities.Item(id)
      			' Make the conversion.
      			If dlg.optCase = 0 Then
      				If dlg.chkEntity = 1 Then
      					e.EntityName = StrConv(e.EntityName, vbUpperCase)
      					e.TableName = StrConv(e.TableName, vbUpperCase)
      				End If
      				If dlg.chkColumn = 1 Then
      					For Each a In e.Attributes
      						a.ColumnName =StrConv(a.ColumnName,vbUpperCase)
      				End If
      				If dlg.chkAttr = 1 Then
      					For Each a In e.Attributes
      						a.AttributeName =StrConv(a.AttributeName,vbUpperCase)
      				End If
      			ElseIf dlg.optCase = 1 Then
      				If dlg.chkEntity = 1 Then
      					e.EntityName = StrConv(e.EntityName, vbLowerCase)
      					e.TableName = StrConv(e.TableName, vbLowerCase)
      				End If
      				If dlg.chkColumn = 1 Then
      					For Each a In e.Attributes
      						a.ColumnName =StrConv(a.ColumnName,vbLowerCase)
      				End If
      				If dlg.chkAttr = 1 Then
      					For Each a In e.Attributes
      						a.AttributeName =StrConv(a.AttributeName,vbLowerCase)
      				End If
      			End If
      		End If
      End Sub

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