'This macro exports the reference values and their properties to excel.
      'Each record in the Excel spread sheet represents one ref val from the
      'data dictionary.  The spread sheet can be used to store reference values
      'outside of ER/Studio.  The properties can be updated in the
      'spread sheet and imported back into an existing model or a new model
      'using the "Import Reference Values From Excel" macro.  The columns in the
      'spread sheet must remain in the same order to import them properly.
      '	REQUIREMENT: You must have MS Excel 97 or later installed
      'AUTHOR:  Jason Tiret
      'CONTACT:  http://support.embarcadero.com/
      'LAST UPDATE:  5/8/2003
      Dim curRow As Integer
      Dim curCol As Integer
      Dim clrBack As Variant
      Dim clrFore As Variant
      Dim clrTitleBack As Variant
      Dim clrTitleFore As Variant
      ' Dim MS Excel variables.
      Dim Excel As Object
      ' Dim ER/Studio variables.
      Dim diag As Diagram
      Dim mdl As Model
      Dim dict As Dictionary
      Dim refval As ReferenceValue
      Dim Value As ValuePair
      Dim dictionary_list () As String
      Public Const CLR_WHITE = RGB(255, 255, 255)
      Public Const CLR_BLACK = RGB(0, 0, 0)
      Public Const CLR_GREY = RGB(192, 192, 192)
      Public Const CLR_TEAL = RGB(0, 128, 128)
      Sub Main
      	' Init the ER/Studio variables.
      	Set diag = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	'Set dict = diag.Dictionary
      	curRow = 1
      	curCol = 1
      	clrBack = CLR_WHITE
      	clrFore = CLR_BLACK
      	clrTitleBack = CLR_GREY
      	clrTitleFore = CLR_BLACK
      	Begin Dialog UserDialog 510,133,"Reference Value Export" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
      		Text 20,21,130,14,"Select Dictionary:",.Text1
      		DropListBox 150,21,330,112,dictionary_list(),.dictionary_select
      		CancelButton 380,84,90,28
      		OKButton 270,84,100,28
      	End Dialog
      	Dim dlg As UserDialog
      	If Dialog(dlg) = -1 Then
      		'choose the proper dictionary
      		If dictionary_list(dlg.dictionary_select) = "Local" Then
      			Set dict = diag.Dictionary
      			Set dict = diag.EnterpriseDataDictionaries.Item(dictionary_list(dlg.dictionary_select))
      		End If
      		' Create Excel workbook.
      		Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
      		'Excel.Visible = True
      		MsgBox("Export   Complete!",,"ER/Studio")
      		' make Excel spread sheet visible
      		Excel.Visible = True
      	End If
      End Sub
      'initialize the dictionary drop down list
      Sub init_dictionary_list
      	ReDim dictionary_list (0 To diag.EnterpriseDataDictionaries.Count) As String
      	dictionary_list (0) = "Local"
      	i = 1
      	For Each dict In diag.EnterpriseDataDictionaries
      		dictionary_list (i) = dict.Name
      		i = i + 1
      End Sub
      Sub PrintData
      	Dim bHideFont As Boolean
      	bHideFont = False
      	'loop through the domains and export the properties of the domains
      	For Each refval In dict.ReferenceValues
      		If refval.IsRange = True Then
      			PrintCell refval.Name, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			PrintCell refval.Description, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			PrintCell "Range",curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			PrintCell refval.IsNotBetween, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			PrintCell refval.MinValue, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			PrintCell refval.MaxValue, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      			curRow = curRow + 1
      			curCol = 1
      			For Each Value In refval.Values
      				PrintCell refval.Name, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell refval.Description, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell "List",curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell refval.IsNotBetween, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell Value.Value, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell "", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				PrintCell Value.ValueDescription, curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, False
      				curRow = curRow + 1
      				curCol = 1
      		End If
      End Sub
      ' Initialize the column width.
      Sub InitColumnWidth
      Dim count As Integer
      count = 13
      'initialize column widths
      For j = 1 To count
      	Excel.Cells(1, j).ColumnWidth = 30
      Next j
      End Sub
      ' Print the column header.  Only print headers when value is true in options array.
      Sub PrintColumnHeader
      		PrintCell "Reference Value Name", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "Reference Value Description", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "Reference Value Type", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "Value NOT Between", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "RV Value", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "RV End Value", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		PrintCell "RV Value Description", curRow, curCol, 0, 1, clrTitleFore, clrTitleBack, 10, True
      		curRow = curRow + 1
      		curCol = 1
      End Sub
      ' Print a cell
      Sub PrintCell(Value As String, row As Integer, col As Integer, rowInc As Integer, colInc As Integer, clrFore As Variant, clrBack As Variant, szFont As Integer, bBold As Boolean)
      	Excel.Cells(row, col).Value = Value
      	Excel.Cells(row, col).Font.Bold = bBold
      	Excel.Cells(row, col).Font.Color = clrFore
      	Excel.Cells(row, col).Font.Size = szFont
      	curRow = curRow + rowInc
      	curCol = curCol + colInc
      End Sub

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