The Diagram window is used to display the tables of the data warehouse in diagrammatic form, showing the various sources or targets of the selected object.

The Diagram Selection is as follows:

  • Schema Diagram
  • Source Diagram
  • Joins Diagram
  • Links Diagram
  • Spine Diagram
  • Impact Diagram
  • Dependency Diagram

Refer to Diagrams for details.




New Diagram - Click to select a diagram type and table.

Save As - Click to Save the diagram.

Load Diagram- Click to load a diagram.

Refresh Diagram - Click to refresh the diagram.

Detail Diagram/Standard Diagram - Click to expand the diagram for a detailed view or to toggle the diagram.

Toggle grid lines - Click to toggle printing of grid lines.

Reroute joins - Click to reroute the connections.

Zoom in - Click to Zoom In.

Zoom out - Click to Zoom Out.

Print - Click to print the diagram.

  • No labels