The Logs menu provides options for viewing the Audit Trail logs and enables you to archive logs when required.
The logs information is useful when a job fails to start or enters some other unknown state. Generally, the audit trail entries for a job can be found by drilling down into the job itself.
The Audit Trail log retains all the task information for a job, even if its associated job log is deleted. This log is backed up, as part of the metadata and should be periodically archived.

The following options are available:



Recent Audit Trail Logs

Displays the Audit and Scheduler log which details the most recent audit trail information of a task/job.

Today Audit Trail Logs

Displays the logs for the jobs that have run in the current day.

Audit Log Query

Displays the Query the Audit Log window which enables you to specify the parameters to perform the log query.

Archive the Audit and Detail Logs

Archives the Audit and Detail logs to an audit trail archive table. The archive process moves the records from the logs to an audit trail archive table. This table can be queried but is not backed up, as part of the metadata backup routines.

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