Procedures are commonly auto-built through the Properties screen of one of the table types. They can also be created manually. Once created, they can be edited, compiled, etc.
Following is an example of the menu displayed when you right-click a procedure name.

If a procedure has been locked as a result of the WhereScape RED utility being killed or failing or a database failure then it can be unlocked via the Properties screen associated with the procedure.

WhereScape RED supports the use of keyboard shortcuts—the underlined letter of a menu option. For example, pressing P opens the Properties window of the selected table, pressing E displays the procedure for editing, etc. Ensure that the Windows > Control Panel > Ease of Access setting associated with keyboard shortcuts is enabled, to display keyboard shortcuts in RED. Refer to the relevant MS Windows documentation for details.

Menu Options


Edit the Procedure

Select this option to invoke the procedure editor and load the procedure. A procedure can be compiled and executed within the procedure editor.

View the Procedure

Select this option to display a read-only copy of the procedure. If the procedure is locked by another user then viewing the procedure is the only option available.

Compile Procedure

Select this option to compile the procedure from the metadata.

Execute Procedure

Select this option to execute the procedure and display the results in the results window.

Execute Procedure via Scheduler

Select this option to set up a job to execute the procedure via the scheduler.

Version Control

A version of a Procedure can be created at any time via the Version Control, New Version menu option. The various versions of the procedure can be viewed from within the procedure editor, or a new procedure can be created from the version. Select this option to perform one of the following:

  • New Version - Enables you to create a new version of the selected Procedure.
  • Build Application - Enables you to build an application file for the selected Procedure.
  • Revert to Version - Enables you to revert to a previous version of the selected Procedure. Displays a list of the available versions of the selected procedure, from which you can select and revert.

Delete metadata

Select this to option perform one of the following delete options:

  • Delete metadata and drop object - This option deletes the metadata definition for the procedure and drops the procedure object from the database (default). This is a permanent delete and no recovery is provided, please use it with caution.
  • Delete metadata only - This option deletes the metadata definition for the procedure.
    A version of the object's metadata is normally auto-created (depending on the settings in Tools > Options > Metadata Versioning).

Drop Procedure

Select this option to drop the procedure from the metadata and the database as well.

Procedures cannot be dropped or deleted if they are in use or being edited with the Edit Lock set in the Procedure Properties window.


Select this option to generate (or read if already generated) the WhereScape RED HTML documentation for the selected object. Select this option to perform one of the following:


Select this option to perform one of the following:

Multiple objects can be selected by double-clicking the Object Group icon in the left pane and then Ctrl + clicking multiple objects in the Drop Target (middle) pane.

Check Out

Select this option to check out the object for editing to prevent any other users from being able to modify, update, or delete any of their associated objects while you are making changes. Refer to Object Check-Outs and Check-Ins for details.


Select this option to build a Scheduler job or an application based on the Procedure table(s) selected from the middle pane. Refer to Building Scheduler Jobs from Object Groups and Building Applications from Object Groups for details. This option is available from the context menu of Procedure tables listed in the middle pane.

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