These object groups are in turn stored within Projects. When WhereScape RED was first started, the special project called All Objects is the only project. This project will always contain all the objects that exist in the metadata repository.
Additional projects can be created if required. These additional projects can hold some or all of the objects, as seen in All Objects. An object as such, only exists once in the metadata. Therefore, if we have a Dimension object called dim_product, there is and can only be one copy of the object dim_product within the metadata.
Projects are used to hold a group of objects that relate to a similar module or analysis area of the data warehouse.
In the example below, we have additional projects called Budgets, Promotions, Sales Detail, Demand Planning, and Inventory. In this way, projects enable us to restrict the amount of information (objects) we need to deal with to just those relevant to the area being worked on.
Projects can also be used to group objects for an upcoming code promote.
The example below shows a metadata repository using two project groups (Sales and Stock Control), and five additional projects (Budgets, Promotions, Sales Detail, Demand Planning, and Inventory).

If you delete an object using the right-click context menu, the object is deleted from the metadata and removed from all Projects. You can remove the object from the project instead of deleting it. Use the object's right-click context menu to see the Projects to which the object is currently included. Refer to List Project Memberships for Objects for details.

It is important to understand that these projects are only a means of visualizing the objects. Even though an object may appear in many projects, it only exists once in the metadata.
To create a project, right-click a Project or Group listed in the left pane and select New Project from the context menu.
The File > New Project menu option can also be used. Projects can be renamed, removed from the project Group, or deleted, using the right-click context menu of a selected project.

You can automatically create a Project from a Diagram generated from RED—refer to Creating a Project from a Diagram for details.

Deleting a Project does not delete the objects associated with it from the metadata; it simply removes their reference in the Project being deleted.
To view or make changes to the project's Properties, right-click the Project name from the left pane and then select Project Properties.

The Project Properties window is displayed:



Include in User Documentation

Select to include the project in the User Documentation. This is selected by default.

Include in Tech Documentation

Select to include in the Technical Documentation. This is selected by default.

Local Project

Select to exclude the local project in the Application files.

Show Unused Object Types in Object Browser

Select to display all object types in the Object Browser Pane. If not selected, only object types currently in use are displayed. Refreshing the Object Browser Pane is required after changing this setting.

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