The scheduler is accessible by clicking the Scheduler button
The scheduler runs on either a UNIX host or under Windows (as a system service). It processes predefined jobs, recording the success, failure, or otherwise of the job.
- Audit trail
Specific information relating to the tasks in the job is recorded in the audit trail. Generally, only summary information is written on this audit trail. The contents of the audit trail are maintained even after a job is deleted. - Error trail
Detail or error information is written to the error trail. The contents of the error trail are deleted when the job is deleted. - Administration Views
It is possible to view the status of a job without using the WhereScape RED product. Three views are provided to assist in this undertaking. They are ws_admin_v_audit, ws_admin_v_error and ws_admin_v_sched. Queries can be issued using these views to see the results or status of a job.