Templates are used to generate update procedures for Data Vault objects. Users must select a template to use when generating the update procedure for Data Vault objects created in WhereScape RED.
The SQL Server Data Vault templates are described below:

  • wsl_sqlserver_proc_dv_stage – this template creates an SQL Server procedure for updating WhereScape RED Data Vault Stage tables.
  • wsl_sqlserver_proc_dv_perm – this template creates an SQL Server procedure for updating WhereScape RED Data Vault objects (Hub, Link and Satellite tables).
  • wsl_sqlserver_utility_dv – this utility template contains generic SQL Server macros that are used by the other two templates above.

The above templates are available in WhereScape RED version and above.  If the templates are not visible in the Template objects list after installing/upgrading WhereScape RED, use the WhereScape RED Setup Administrator to Validate the MetaData Repository.


  • Templates for Oracle and Teradata are also supplied by WhereScape. For other database types, users need to create/provide their own templates.
  • Important: The above templates have changed in WhereScape RED version The Data Vault hash key functions for Teradata and Oracle repositories have been changed in the templates (wsl_teradata_utility_dv and wsl_oracle_utility_dv). Data Vault customers running on Teradata or Oracle who were using these templates from the RED release are advised to retain that version of the template, unless they migrate any key generated using the previous hash key function.Refer to Changing the Data Vault Hash Key Function in WhereScape RED and above, if you need to amend the Hash key function in the shipped WhereScape RED Data Vault Templates.

A Wizard to generate update procedures via templates is used to populate Data Vault tables. The detailed steps for using this Wizard is described in Generating Update Procedures for Hub, Link and Satellite Tables.

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