Extended properties can be accessed in the following four ways:

  1. All template driven code generation
    Template engine reference examples using pebble syntax:

  2. Automatic token replacement at run-time in Windows scripts
    The automatic token replacement applies to Windows based scripts only. Each token is assessed at run-time immediately before executing a script in the same way parameters are replaced:
    Token format: $WSL_EXP_<propertyName>$
    In the token replacement process, the first non-empty Extended Property value found is replaced in this order of preference:
    1. Table or Export Object
    2. Associated Source Connection
    3. Associated Target Connection
    If the Extended Property was found without any value set then an empty string is returned.
    If the Extended Property was not found in the associated objects the token is left unchanged.

  3. Calling the WslMetadataServiceClient.dll at run-time from Windows scripts
    This is an advanced feature and not recommended for general use as it puts a reliance on loading this DLL at run-time from Windows scripts.
    Below, an example on the PowerShell code block inside a RED PowerShell Script:
    Add-Type -Path "${env:WSL_BINDIR}WslMetadataServiceClient.dll"
    $repo = New-Object WslMetadataServiceClient.Repo("${env:WSL_META_DSN}", 'SQLServer',
    "${env:WSL_META_USER}", "${env:WSL_META_PWD}", "${env:WSL_META_SCHEMA}",

  4. WhereScape Database Enablement Packs
    WhereScape provides Database Enablement Packs for many target platforms, each pack includes a utility template with extended property lookup functions as well as a PowerShell and Python functions to call at run-time. For more information please contact your WhereScaperepresentative.
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