WhereScape RED has a Procedure object group for database stored procedures and a Script object group for host system scripts, such as UNIX shell scripts or Windows batch files.


WhereScape RED generates the bulk of the procedures during a prototype build, but these procedures can be customized. In fact, it would be normal practice once the prototype phase is completed to modify these procedures to meet specific requirements. The procedure object group refers to the concept of database stored procedures. Specific objects may in fact be functions, procedures or packages.


Host scripts are generated when a script-based file load is chosen during a file drag and drop from a Windows or UNIX connection. Scripts can also be created manually provided the rules for their inclusion into the scheduling process are followed.


  • Windows script supports both DOS Batch and PowerShell scripts
  • While Windows and UNIX scripts are available on Load table objects, currently only Windows Scripts are available on other object types that are created in a Custom Database Connection.

This chapter covers the generation, editing and compilation of procedures, as well as the generation, editing and testing of host scripts as well as explaining the components required to allow host scripts to work in the scheduler environment.

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