Creating operators

If you want to add a new operator that will be notified in response to your alert, select Notify Operators, and click New Operator. SQL Enterprise Job Manager opens a new window for specifying new operators. 

On this window you can define the following fields:

  • Name - type the name of the new operator.
  • Enabled - select this option if you want the new operator to be enabled. When the operator is not enabled, no notifications are sent to the operator.
  • Email name - type the email address where the operator will receive the notifications.
  • Net Send Address - type the address/computer name to be used for sending notifications through Net send./span>
  • Pager email name - type the email address to be used for the operator´s pager.
  • Pager on duty schedule - select the days of the week when the operator´s pager is active. You can also specify at which times on workdays and weekends the pager is active.

Viewing Operators

You can view an operator´s properties, by selecting the operator from the operators list and clicking View Operator. SQL Enterprise Job Manager opens a new window with all details registered for the selected operator. These properties are the same settings specified above when the operator was created. This is only a read-only window and you cannot edit any properties. 

SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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