New Features in version 2.2.1

IDERA Dashboard

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager is now integrated with IDERA Dashboard 4.6.


  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now supports Microsoft Windows 2019 and SQL Server 2019 All Editions (Express, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, etc.)

Fixed Issues in version 2.2.1


SQLENTE-4885 Alert subscriptions are now set properly in the Alert Rules.


SQLENTE-4892 SQL Query´s are now working properly in SSMS when generating job schedules.

Job History

SQLENTE-4891 The Job History tab is now refreshing all operations properly.


SQLENTE-4811 Job and Task filters are now working properly in the Schedule tab.


SQLENTE-4904 Upgrades from SQL EJM 2.1 to 2.2.1 are now working as expected.

New Features in version 2.2

IDERA Dashboard

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager is now integrated with IDERA Dashboard


  • The Home page is renamed to Overview. It is redesigned to allow users to obtain a quick status view of their environment related to scheduled jobs, tasks, and job chains across their enterprise.


  • It is redesigned to allow users to get detailed information about their instances, jobs, tasks, and job chains across their environments.


  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now supports SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017.

Fixed Issues in version 2.2

Email Alerts

SQLENTE-4736 The SMTP email alerts are sent successfully when one or more subscribers do not have an email address configured.

SQLENTE-4656  The "Refresh" link on the Instances, Jobs, and Dashboard page is working properly now.


SQLENTE-4480 A ZK error message is no longer displaying on the Add/Remove Instances window while Adding a Job in the homepage.


SQLENTE-4603 Users can now add jobs to a custom category with special characters.

SQLENTE-4600 Users can now add or edit a job with a description with special characters.

SQLENTE-4841 Users can now edit jobs created with multiple instances.

Job and Schedule History

SQLENTE-4764  The Maximum Run Time and Average Run Time displayed on the Job History is now displaying the time values in hours/minutes/seconds.

Job Chaining

SQLENTE-4749 The Job Chains are now running properly.


SQLENTE-4651 Same repositories names are validated now in the installation wizard.


SQLENTE-4542 The Author/login account used to schedule a task is no longer changing to System name/Administrator when running the task.

Start Menu

SQLENTE-4776 Users have now a "SQL Enterprise Job Manager Help" shortcut in the Start Menu.

New Features in version 2.1

Job overlap viewer

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows you to view and identify jobs running in the same time slot. By modifying settings on overlapping events, users can improve job execution and server resource use.

Maintenance mode for instances

  • Version 2.1 allows you to assign a Maintenance mode schedule during Instance registration. You can also choose to disable alerts and notifications during the Maintenance mode period.

Creating Jobs for multiple instances

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows you to create Jobs to be executed simultaneously on multiple instances in your environment.

Server Performance Timeline

  • Version 2.1 displays a graphical overview per server. You can view the jobs across all SQL Server instances on a specific server and the number of CPU cycles generated by this workload. Additionally, a job runtime chart displays the jobs that have been run in the server and their duration.

Saving filtering options

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows saving your preferred filtering options to apply them later as needed.

Monitor, edit, and create Windows Tasks on registered instances

  • Version 2.1 allows you to monitor and edit scheduled Windows tasks from registered instances, as well as to create new Windows tasks.
  • Filter options in the Job History Tab
  • Users are now able to filter jobs by Day/Week/Month in the Job History tab. 
  • Owner and Location properties for Instance Alerts
  • Users can now configure Instance type alerts using owner and location properties.

Fixed Issues in 2.1

Schedule Tab

  • When users drag and drop a job over a time slot with other scheduled jobs, the schedule is created accurately. 

  • Jobs that are dragged and dropped to a time slot where they are already scheduled are no longer duplicated. 

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager accurately updates schedules for jobs created between 11:45 and 11:59 p.m. that are dragged and dropped to different time slots. 

  • Users scheduling jobs at 12:00 pm can now see the accurate time displayed in the Schedule tab of the Job Wizard.

  • Users accessing a specific day from the Month view in the Schedule tab can now see the correct date filter in the respective Day view.

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now displays a warning dialog when users drag and drop jobs in the Schedule tab.

  • When double-clicking a time slot in the Schedule tab to create a new job, SQL Enterprise Job Manager now displays the selected time in the Job Wizard.


  • Time filters such as Duration (Schedule and Job History tabs) and # of jobs and # of failed jobs (Instances tab) can now be edited through the respective text boxes. 

  • After returning the Duration filter sliders in the Schedule tab to their original position, the relevant jobs are displayed accurately. 


  •  Alerts descriptions remain hidden after selecting any action on the Alerts section of the Welcome Wizard. 

  • The  Alert Details window now displays an icon for the Agent Status. 

Other Issues

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows to edit credentials on a single instance in the Manage SQL Server Instances section of the Administration tab.

  • Services names are displaying correctly in the warning message that prompts when services are stopped.

New Features in version 2.0 

Integration with the IDERA Dashboard

  • Version 2.0 allows you to register as many instances of your SQL Enterprise Job Manager with the IDERA Dashboard. The IDERA Dashboard provides a platform of services that allow an integrated user experience across multiple IDERA products.

Job Chaining 

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows you to chain multiple jobs together with created dependencies so that when one job completes, another job is run. This new feature lets the user create and manage job chains for one server or across multiple servers. 

Job Trending

  • The new Job Trends option lets users get a graphical representation and the estimated trends for job runtimes and execution counts. Users can choose to see the trends for the most frequent jobs, top failures, longest-running jobs, and highest percentage duration increase. 

Instance Specific View

  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager now allows users to click any SQL Server instance and access its specific information such as alerts, upcoming jobs, and job history.

Job Specific View 

  • Users can now click any Job and access its specific information such as alerts, upcoming runtimes, and job history.

SQL Enterprise Job Manager 1.1 Daylight Saving Time (DST) considerations

  • IDERA recommends that you upgrade your SQL Enterprise Job Manager to version 1.1 to avoid issues with DST changes.
  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager 1.0 will run your jobs properly (on the correct scheduled times) after DST (March 8th, 2015), but the Schedule tab may show your jobs scheduled offset by one hour. 

Fixed issues in 2.0

  • When the server running SQL Enterprise Job Manager is rebooted, users will no longer find that the SQL Enterprise Job Manager Collection service has not started. 

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