SQL Admin Toolset requires a license for each computer on which it is installed. By default, SQL Admin Toolset installs with a limited-time trial license key.

Each time you start the tool, SQL Admin Toolset checks for a valid license. A valid license is a trial or production key that is registered for the computer on which you installed SQL Admin Toolset.

If your license expires, such as when the trial period ends, or if your license is deactivated, you can no longer use the tool. You can re-install the tool and reuse a previously deactivated production key.

You can view and update your current license key using the licensing console. From the licensing console, you can:

  • Verify current status of your license
  • Extend your trial period
  • Register and activate your license
  • Deactivate your license

For more information about using the licensing console, see the licensing online Help.

Access the licensing console

The Licensing Console automatically displays during your trial period to help you register and activate your production license. Once the production license is active, you can use the full functionality of the SQL Admin Toolset on any SQL Server database hosted by the local computer.

To deactivate a license currently in use, click Deactivate License on the Help menu.

Get a new or updated license

You should update your license when:

  • You decide to move from a trial implementation to a production implementation.
  • You want to deploy the SQL Admin Toolset to more users.

You can purchase a new license online (www.idera.com/purchase).


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