The Server Audit Settings window of the Configuration wizard allows you to specify which types of SQL Server events you want to audit on the selected instance. IDERA SQL Compliance Manager audits these events at the server level only.

Available fields

Audited Activity

Allows you select the type of activity you want to audit. Based on your selections, SQL Compliance Manager collects and processes the corresponding SQL Server events. You can choose to audit event categories and user defined events. An event category includes related SQL Server events that occur at the server level. A user defined event is a custom event you create and track using the sp_trace_generateevent stored procedure.

Access Check Filter

Allows you to refine your audit trail for SQL Server login data by collecting events that better reflect your auditing requirements for security and user processes.

SQL Server validates login permissions and access rights when a user attempts to execute an operation or SQL statement on the audited SQL Server instance. If the access check filter is enabled for a registered instance, SQL Compliance Manager collects access check events at the server level.

Select this filter to help identify logins that may have inappropriate access rights or permissions. This filter may also help reduce the size of your audit data.

Type of Event FilterDescription
Audit only actions that passed access checkOmits events that track failed access checks performed by SQL Server
Audit only actions that failed access checkOmits events that track passed access checks performed by SQL Server

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