You can create a new alert rule by using an existing event or status rule as a template. Alert rule templates allow you to more efficiently create multiple rules against the same instance or database. You can also use alert rule templates to apply consistent alert criteria across multiple instances and databases. When you choose to use an alert rule as a template, IDERA SQL Compliance Manager copies the existing alert rule criteria to the new rule. You can then use the Edit Alert Rule wizard to customize the new rule.

To use an alert rule as a template:

  1. Select Alert Rules in the Administration tree.
  2. Select the event or status rule you want to use as a template, and then click From Existing on the New Rule ribbon.
  3. On each wizard window, specify the criteria you want to use for this new rule, and then click Next.
  4. On the Finish Alert Rule window, specify a name for this alert, review the summary, and then click Finish. By default, the new alert rule is enabled.

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