The IDERA Dashboard provides web and back end services, shared across multiple Idera products. To learn more about what the IDERA Dashboard is and how it works, see Navigate the Idera Dashboard.

The IDERA Dashboard consists of the following components:

Web Application Service

The Web Application Service is a Windows service that wraps Apache Tomcat server. The Web Application Service serves up dashboard (IDERA Dashboard) and SQL Compliance Manager views and widgets that are displayed in the web console. The Web Application Service requires three ports:

  • Standard HTTP port (by default 9290)
  • Monitor port (9094)
  • SSL port (9291)

Core Service

The Core Service is a C# (.NET 4.0 Framework) based Windows service that hosts dashboard and SQL Compliance Manager REST APIs that are used by the Web Application Service to configure and retrieve data. In addition, the Core Service handles product registration, security, configuration, product data, and event aggregation.

The Core Service uses two ports, one for REST API and the other for .NET remoting:

  • Core Service REST API port (by default 9292)
  • .NET remoting port (by default 9293)

Core Repository

The Core Repository is a database where all IDERA Dashboard's configuration and aggregated data is stored. The Core Repository database is hosted on a SQL Server instance and is accessed by the Core Service to retrieve data.

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