The main elements of xml schema are described in the following section:
Element | Description |
SqlDataCompareCmdConfig | Root element. |
LeftDatabase, RightDatabase | The elements that specify the left and the right database that participate in the data comparison. |
SqlServer | Defines the name of the SQL Server instance. |
DatabaseName | Defines the database name. |
Username, Password | Define database credentials. |
TrustedConnection | Defines the connection type. |
ConnectionTimeout | Defines the connection timeout in seconds, which the amount of time that command line waits before aborting a connection. |
CommandTimeout | Defines the execution timeout of SQL queries in seconds, which the amount of time that command line waits for a query to complete before aborting it. |
CompareTables | Indicates whether database tables should be compared and synchronized. |
CompareMemoryTables | Indicates whether the memory tables supported by SQL 2014 should be compared and synchronized. |
CompareColumnStoreTables | Indicates whether the columnstore tables supported by SQL 2014 should be compared and synchronized. |
CompareViews | Indicates whether database views should be compared and synchronized. |
DisableTriggers | Specifies the type of action on DML triggers that should be performed by synchronization script. |
ForeignKeyAction | Specifies the type of action on foreign keys that should be performed by synchronization script. |
GenerateDetailedLog | Indicates whether the command line should generate a detailed synchronization log. |
LogScriptExecution | Specifies whether the command line should save to a log file SQL statements executed during data synchronization. |
ScriptExecutionLogFile | Defines the file name of the execution log. |
GenerateTransactionalScript | Indicates whether the generated synchronization script should be transactional. |
IgnoreCharCase | Indicates whether the character chase should be ignored when comparing string columns. |
TrimSpaces | Indicates whether the leading and trailing spaces should be ignored when comparing string columns. |
PerformDependencyAnalysis | Specifies whether command line should analyze object dependencies (based on foreign key relationship between them) and order the synchronization script accordingly. |
ReportEqualRows | Indicates whether the command line should keep the equal rows in the internal row collections. By default equal rows are discarded. |
SynchronizeDifferentRows | Indicates whether the rows that have been found different should be synchronized. |
SynchronizeLeftRows | Indicates whether the rows found on the left database should be synchronized. |
SynchronizeRightRows | Indicates whether the rows found on the right database should be synchronized. |
TransactionSize | Defines the max size of SQL Server transaction that should be used when executing synchronization script. |
BatchSize | Defines the max batch size that should be used when executing synchronization script. |
IgnoreDatabaseCollation | Indicates whether collation should be ignored when comparing databases. |
RoundApproximateNumber | Indicates whether approximate SQL Server types such as float and real should be rounding to a specified precision and then compared. |
RoundPrecision | Defines the rounding precision for approximate data types such as real and float. Rounding effects only the comparison of approximate types, not the scripting of these types. |
ComparisonLogFile | Defines a file name for data compare operational messages. |
OverwriteComparisonLog | Indicates whether the command line should overwrite all log files. By default command line appends to log file. |
ErrorLogName | Defines a file name for errors that might occur during data compare. |
ErrorLogType | Indicates whether errors should be logged to file or Windows event log. |
QuietMode | Indicates the quiet mode which suppresses messages from being displayed on the console. |
DataScriptFile | Defines a file name for the data synchronization script. |
DataLogFile | Defines a file name for the data synchronization log. |
FileEncoding | Defines the encoding of all output file. |
Direction | Indicates the "direction" of synchronization whether the left database is synchronized with the right database or vice versa. |
Synchronize | Indicates whether the command line should synchronize databases. By default databases are only compared. |
TableMappingSchema | Defines the mapping type of database objects whether is Auto or Custom. |
TablesMappingRules | Defines the mapping rules for tables. |
ViewsMappingRules | Defines the mapping rules for views. |
NameMapping | Defines the mapping rule that applies to objects name. |
SchemaMapping | Defines the mapping rule that applies to objects schema (owner). |
TypeMapping | Defines the mapping rule that applies to data types. |
TablePairs | Defines that pair of tables that should be mapped manually. Manual pairs require the option TableMappingSchema to be set to Custom. |
ViewPairs | Defines that pair of views that should be mapped manually. Manual pairs require the option TableMappingSchema to be set to Custom. |
Total compare from data to schema with IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. Learn more > >