When you make changes to comparison options after you have compared two databases the comparison results might no longer reflect your choices. For example, when you compared the databases, the option Ignore spaces on definition was ON so let's say a view named VW1 is marked as being equal on both sides. Now you go to options and uncheck the Ignore spaces on definition at which point the VW1 is technically different since let's say its definition on the left database contains a few extra spaces compared to its definition on the right database. Any time you make such changes after the comparison IDERA SQL Schema Compare considers the effect of the changes on the comparison results and if necessary prompts you to refresh the results. The refreshing of the results is accomplished by either a partial or a full re-compare of the schemas.
You can also refresh the comparison results on demand by clicking Refresh Results on the ribbon, or by clicking Refresh Comparison Grid on the action panel on the lower-right hand side of the comparison results window.
Total compare from data to schema with IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. Learn more > >