The Log Files and Options step contains the command line log files and a few options:

  • The top section of the page contains the source and the target database. You can flip them by clicking on the Flip link. Target database is the database on which the data synchronization will be executed.
  • Synchronize the target database. Indicates whether the synchronization script should be executed in the target database. If unchecked, the script is generated, optionally saved to a file, but not executed.
  • Encrypt SQL Server instance, credentials and database name. Encrypts these settings in the xml config file.
  • Log operational messages to. Logs the operational messages, such as the data compare progress, to the specified file.
  • Save the error log to a file. Saves the data compare errors to the specified file.
  • Create a Windows error log. Creates an Windows Event Log for the data comparison errors, instead of logging them to a file.
  • Save sync script to. Saves the data synchronization script to the specified file.
  • Save sync log to. Saves the data synchronization log to the specified file.
  • Use this encoding for all files. The encoding that should be used for all output files.
  • Override all log files. Whether the log files should be overridden or appended to.
  • Execute quietly and hide operational messages. If checked, does not show the operational messages on the console.

The following xml fragment contains the command line settings:

  <!--**** the synchronization script will be executed against the target database ****-->

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