SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to create alert response bundles for related alerts. The alert response bundle contains individual alert information for several alerts, summarized and delivered through only one message.

To create an alert response bundle:

  1. Click Tools >Alert Actions and Responses in the menu bar.
  2. Click Add on the Alert Responses tab of the Alert Actions and Responses dialog box.
  3. Enter a Name for the rule.
  4. Check the Where all the metrics are in the specified list box condition.
  5. Enable the Send an email to recipient action.
  6. Click metric in the Edit the rule description field, and select related metrics to include in the alert response trigger.
  7. Click the hyperlink text to select specific conditions for the rule.
  8. Click OK to finish.

Alerts compatible with the alert response bundles feature


    • SQL Server Agent Long Running Job (Minutes)
    • SQL Server Agent Long Running Job (Percent)
    • SQL Server Agent Job Completion
    • SQL Server Agent Job Failure
    • SQL Server Agent Log

Blocking and Deadlocks

    • Blocked Sessions
    • Blocked Sessions Wait Time (Seconds)
    • Deadlock

Size Databases

    • Data File Autogrow
    • Database Full (Percent)
    • Database Full (Size)

Size Disks

    • OS Average Disk Queue Length (Count)
    • OS Average Disk Queue Length Per Disk (Count)
    • OS Disk Free Space (Size)
    • OS Disk Full (Percent)
    • OS Disk Time (Percent)
    • OS Disk Time Per Disk (Percent)

Error Log

    • SQL Server Error Log

Availability Group Databases

    • Availability Group Estimated Data Loss (Seconds)
    • Availability Group Estimated Recovery time (Seconds) 
    • Availability Group Log Send Queue Size (KB)
    • Availability Group Preferred Replica
    • Availability Group Redo Queue Size (KB)  
    • Availability Group Redo Rate (KB/sec)
    • Availability Group Role Change
    • Availability Group Synchronization Health
    • Availability Group Synchronization Performance (Seconds)

SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >

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